So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Choochoojr said:
What is wrong with having both? :confused:

Sun or Snow?

Nothing :o

Sun for sure.

Do you have a term of endearment for your significant other?
Yup went for the first time when I turned 21

What did you do to celebrate your 21st birthday?
I don't remember :confused:

Do you have a good long term memory?
Nope and heck I think I have a short term memory as well LOL

Who pays the bills in your house?
i do

who breaks stuff in your house

the next person can do the butterfly (swimming, not kama sutra)

**Eh...Eabu... Spoofee12 meant swimming.....:rolleyes:**** also confused the games...:o

Have you ever almost drowned....?
precocious said:
**Eh...Eabu... Spoofee12 meant swimming.....:rolleyes:**** also confused the games...:o

errr, that was only my 3rd post in this thread, i'm a newbie at this :o

precocious said:
Have you ever almost drowned....?


do you like fishing?
Love to ride bikes

Do you like going to the moutains and hiking?
Haven't in years, I don't think my knees could take it now.

Does your body act it's age?

have you ever had your knees whacked by the mob?

are you in the witness protection plan?
Damn!t Eabu !! :zip:

Have you ever changed the way you look and shocked at least one person you know?