So What's The Deal????? **another game**

I think I had some as a sample thru here... not sure though.

Do you have any weekend plans?
Yes going back over to the parents tomorrow night for a huge bonfire.

When was the last time you sat by a fire?
parents house tonight?? hmmmm... sounds like a good time for a chew-off

last time by a fire ... not candles on a bday cake, right?? hmmm... fireplace fire was 3 years ago..... *sigh* has it been that long?

when was the last time you toasted marshmallows over a campfire?
last fall-my family had a bonfire at my bros house-that was fun

When was the last time you made smores?
A few weeks ago when we went camping in the mountains?

When was the last time you picked fruit?
i was at casa de fruta picking all sorts of fruit from their bins on tuesday. does that count :p ... actually, my FIL has a garden so we were picking fruit on tuesday before i went to casa de fruta!

when was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?
Last night. My brother made me laugh when I was drinking and I spit my pop out on my mom.

When was the last time you laughed so hard you peed your pants???
when was i pregnant last??? 2 1/2 years ago i guess!

when was the last time you brushed your teeth
30 seconds ago

How many times a day do you usually brush your teeth?
I prefer warm weather when it cold here and cold weather when it is hot here :confused:

Do use conditioner on your hair?

TNP always using the same brand(could be anything)

Do you usually buy whats on sale at the time you go shopping
I buy what is the cheapest, store brand names are good enough for me.

Which is better, passion or romance?