So What's The Deal????? **another game**

remove your post chooch...I was there just got it because your a mod
Don't really want to little boy LOVES trains though. He would think Chooch is really cool!

Do you like Jennifer Aniston or Angelina?(just saw a picture)
If I had to choose, like in 'this or that' I'd say Jennifer, Angelina..:hmm:...a bit ...non-conventional....and too 'odd' for my taste...

Do you think 'Brad' made the right choices????
NO- He was married to Jen and should have left Angelina alone

Do you think Brad and Angelina will last? know the grass is always greener 'til you get to the green grass.....

Was Nick & Jessica's break-up a surprise?
LOL Maybe she'll give her babies some beer next ! LOL *maybe JMB IS her baby??? :eek:**

How about Demi and Ashton?????
At least they stay out of the public eye and don't beg for attention!

What do you think of Britney's posing nude for a magazine cover?
"Gag me with a spoon!"....:rolleyes:

Does she (Britney) have real talent or is being in the tabloids her 'talent'? Has she ever done anything note worthy???