So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Hmmmmmm I don't know

Will anyone help him pick out his avatar?
Well, the latest isn't as bad as some you've had... the dog looks a little sad, but at least it's not weird. I really wouldn't know how to help you with the avatar. Yours are so...unique.:)

Do you put a lot of thought into your avatar?
Not really, silly ideas just come to me. LOL

Do you prefer coffee or orange juice to drink in the morning w/breakfast?
I put a lot of thought into it when I got it as a tattoo but not much when I put it as my avatar. I like to think my is one of a kind.

Do you ramble on in your replies?
To answer Chooch: Neither, water or milk for me
BTW, I liked the first dog better. I felt sorry for that one. This one just reminds me of the dogs I don't want to be around.

To answer Crazy Butt:Yes, I think I do

Do you have a decent singing voice?
Sometimes I do, probably sounds best when it's just me and the kids. LOL

Do you have plans for this weekend? What are they, if you do?
today, i'll be taking the kids for a walk to the grocery store before it gets too hot, and they get to pick an ice cream for the walk back (it's a little over 3miles round trip). after we relax for a few, we'll drive to costco and do our real grocery shopping. then we're hanging out inside til it cools down while i study for my huge exam next saturday. tonight i'll probably be here looking to see who else has no friday night plans!
tomorrow i'll take the kids to the park early for some fun before we hit triple digit heat again. then we'll come home and just chill while i study again.
sunday is hubby's day off so we'll go to church, bbq, and when it cools down, he and i will go play tennis across the street at the school. we've just started doing that together, almost daily, and we have so much fun!
probably more detail than you wanted eh??!!

what's your favorite frozen treat (ice cream bar, bowl, sorbet, popsicle, etc)?
OOOH, Tough one. I would either have to say the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown or Twighlight Eyes by Dean Koontz.

What is the longest book you have ever read (assuming you have ever finished one;) )?
One of my little boy's books, of course

What is your favorite cartoon character?

Do you like thunderstorms(one's coming up right now here)?
New? That's his 'old'.;)'s Chooch :)

What was the 'scariest' moment of your life?
I actually DO like this one! Good Job, Choo!!:)

Have you ever ridden on a (real) train (not one at a park)?
Why thanks to both of you, Spoofee12 and bluesky. :05: ;)

Yes, I pretty much ride trains daily for work

Walking in the park or home watching movies?
Walking in the park- I can't sit still long enough for a movie (unless I'm REALLY tired)

Do you walk in the park often (or ever)?
inside, yes..outside..brick, no need to.;)

Do you paint it yourself or hire out?