So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Most men would call it a talent, rhonda. lol.

I sing on key. For the most part.

Do you like Stilton or Roquefort better?

I don't believe I have tried either one of those.

What is your line of profession?:wof:
working in an orphanage

Would you ever consider adopting a child?
If I didn't have 4 of my own already or were unable to have children...absolutley. At this point, I would not go out and seek another to adopt, but if circumstances presented themselves and this was this child's last 'chance', I'd be inclined to consider it. My husband on the other hand, would have me committed.:p And he'd make sure he found someone else to truly care for the child....:p

Do you have any adopted relatives?
To the best of my knowledge, I do not have any adopted relatives. I have tried for years to get my mother to tell me that I was adopted or that I had a different dad, but she wouldn't. :verysad:

The next person is the middle child in their family.
True--and just like the typical middle child, I was always over looked:( :tongue:

tnp is a first born or only child

Oops- daisymae, you messed me up--wrong game!:tongue:

Are you the first born or only child?
True--and just like the typical middle child, I was always over looked:( :tongue:

tnp is a first born or only child

Oops- daisymae, you messed me up--wrong game!:tongue:

Are you the first born or only child?

Sorry :( I had too many windows opened.

Crew socks

Do you prefer long, short, or no hair on your significant other?
hair length depends on the guy

straight or curly hair
straight, I guess

Do you like earrings on guys?

*daisymae-it's okay, I do it all the time!*
Along as the person has a great personality...

Would you date a single parent?
Sure. That means she puts out. LOL

Are you prejudiced against anything? (What?)
I try not to be.... (don't think I am...)

Did you do any cleaning today?
Believe it or not...I do!

Do you have any irrational (irrational to most people anyhow) phobias? If so, what?
sure, touching a public restroom exiting door handle with my bare hands that i just washed

do you watch ?
No, I don't....but shhhhh he's sleeping

Do you ever watch t.v programs on your computer?
No, but I like to listen to internet radio..

Is your internet service through AOL?