So What's The Deal????? **another game**

i dont drink juice

what is your favoritecolor
Well, I can only wear one at a time, so.... But yeah, I sometimes wear a hat.

Do you have Kentwood or Abita bottled water where you live?
Never heard of them :hmmmm2: We do have bottled water tho ;)

Do you prefer to drink bottled water?
yes, bottled or filtered.

Does the tap water where you live taste bad?
Asparagus, probably. But I really like pretty much all veggies, but not brussels sprouts.

Whats your favorite juice to drink?
Arent all vegetables organic? When they search for life, they search for organic compounds, a stem from the word organism. But no, I dont. They are too dang expensive.

Do you watch WAY too many science documentaries? Thats practically all I watch.
No, just extremely annoying :p

When was the last time you told someone they were annoying?
yesterday- I actually tell Michael that often (kidding with him, of course)

What type of shirt do you have on right now? (t-shirt, button-up, etc.)
OMG ME TOO! When I was 19, I actually went to the local University barefoot for class. Didnt care. I hate to wear socks and shoes. But if I dont wear socks, my dog wont stop licking my feet. Yeah. I know.

Sorry. lol.. six or seven, plus boots.

Do you have mostly casual shoes or dressy shoes?
(wheres preco and clubby when the shoe questions are going on?)
not anymore. I used to wear them often but since I had my daughter I just don't find them very practical.

Do you wear open toed shoes?