So What's The Deal????? **another game**

You can send them to any 7-11, they will get to me b/c we have a union:tongue:
Uh...JMB....where's your next question? :convinced: Maybe 711 is not the best place to be conducting business????? ;)
I only ask questions when there is one to ask!!!:clown:

Like why cant we digest peanuts??
Dunno, goes hand and hand w/ corn. Hmmm is that why they made corn nuts? lol

Do you cook w/ frozen veggies?
yes sometimes

what is your fav veggie?
Lima Beans mmmmmm

Who is the cutest puppy in CB's avatar, or what's that orange stuff in her hair?

Take ur pick:tongue:
JMB27 said:
Lima Beans mmmmmm

Who is the cutest puppy in CB's avatar, or what's that orange stuff in her hair?

Take ur pick:tongue:
I'm sorry JMB, this is where we part ways. I can not associate w/ a lima bean lover. *enter super grossed out vomiting smilie here*

The puppy is Amber and that was NOT a flower :tongue:

Do you plan on changing your avatar any time soon?
I have thought about it... you all change yours frequently

Should I change my avatar?
Not if you like it,

Should I change mine???

*bracing for the answer*
He's so cute, Kadin's mom, but you can change it to another pic of him- or you could always change back to the same pic later- so sure!:)

*Btw Butty and Jmb, I love lima beans too. Used to be my favorite food in HS and college- I was known as the girl who LOVES lima beans- butty, can we still be friends though?:(*

*you beat me JMB*
Only change it if you want might have more friends around here if you did though.;)-you know I'm kidding

What's your favorite kind of beans?
Black Beans......With adobo over white rice and chopped onions.....of course you need the pork too! :hungry:


Mexican or Cuban food?
you got me hungry preco- either one at this point, but usually mexican

Are you going to eat out at all this weekend?
Yes, sub sandwiches at my son's school carnival tonight.

Does your child's school have a carnival?
no, he doesn't
*LOL-thanks for the help Preco*

Do your kids trick or treat in your neighborhood or somewhere else (or what did you do growing up if you don't have kids)?
I dont know - we just moved here!

Do you dress up with your kids?
I don't have any kids

Do you have a halloween party planned?

*you were right blue, I think everyone will like this better*
*oh yeah Jmb, now everyone is gonna love you!*

I might go to one, but i'm not having one at my house

Do you have a pumpkin (real or fake) at your house at the moment?
A couple real ones, but taking the day off Monday to go "real" pumpkin picking with hay rides and slides and cider etc.

Are you a big Halloween fan? (not the movie ;) )
Yes, because my son LOVES it (especially the decorations- and not so much the pumpkins and scarecrows)

Do you have any fall decorations in or around your house?
Just nature!!!

TNP is going to be up for a while

*I think ur right blue, I will be much more popular now*