So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Five. Nothing fun, just my ears.

Any tattoos?
Nah, too permenant

Do you have a tatoo you regret getting?
no, cause I don't have any tattoos.

Would you tell your good friend if you didn't like their boyfriend or girlfriend or would you keep it to yourself?
Definately, and bluntly too

Do you shy away from confrontations?
I try not to. I work with a woman that drops the F- bomb every other sentence and it gets old.

Do you have a substitute swear word? I say "Oh crud" around my kids alot cause my 7 year old thinks it's funny.:tongue:
Yeah, lot's of them but I usualy use swear word anyway though.
Since JMB doesn't know how this game works. :rolleyes:

I say son of a puppy

How old were you when you first swore around your parents?
*I still can't do it :o *
Probably when I was a teen.

Were you a well behaved child:angel: or a brat? :evil:
Not really. My schedule changes every two weeks: graves, swings, mornings. There is no such thing as 'sleep in'. :(

Do you like to read books with or to your children/significant other?
I read to Amber just about every night. I think I like it more than she does though, I get to be all dramatic. :confused:

Do you get a chance to read something everyday?
I try. I am reading "Saving Fish from Drowning" by Amy Tan. Very good so far.

What book are you reading?
Red Thunder by Hughes (I can't remember his first name) it's not that good. But I can't afford to go out and buy Eldest by Christopher Piolini(sp?) or Ptolemy's Gate by Johnothan Stroud. Those are next on my list

Do you keep books when you are done with them?

*see cb I do know the rules of this thread*
I keep some of them. Some I donate and some I sell when I have a garage sale in the summer.

Do you ever check out books from the library?