So What's The Deal????? **another game**


How much did your last fill-up cost? (gas for the car)
I asked the attendant for $5 worth of gas. He farted and handed me a receipt.

$42.50 -- actually

What is your favorite TV show?
it's a tie between Noah's Arc, Days & Prison Break... :)

Do you spend more time online or watching tv?
Usually I let it air dry but tonight I used a blow dryer.

What is your favortie perfume/cologne?
Happy by Clinique

What's your favorite perfume/ cologne on the opposite sex?
I decide to bump this one back up to the top.

I don't really have a favorite male cologne since my husband doesn't really wear it.

Where did you meet your significant other?
trust, respect & time together

How long have you known your spouse? (for me it's been 18 years, we met when we were 12. LOL)
20 years! We met when I was 16. :) Our anniversary is this Saturday!

How do you usually spend anniversaries? We are still undecided on our plans.:hmm:
We don't usually do too much out of the ordinary- dinner usually. (ours is in 2 weeks- our 5th anniversary-hope you have a good one Sharon!:))

What color hair does your significant other have?

who is taller, you or your significant other?
my hubby is, but not by a lot (the guys I dated before him were 6'5 and 6'7!)

What is your favorite feature on your significant other?
his personality. i think he's handsome and WOW WHAT A BOD, but his charm, wit, and sense of humor are what i love the most... oh and the fact that he loves me :)

what is your favorite feature on yourself
clubchick said:
his personality. i think he's handsome and WOW WHAT A BOD, but his charm, wit, and sense of humor are what i love the most... oh and the fact that he loves me :)

what is your favorite feature on yourself
My heart..:love:

*Clubby, we have identical responses to Bluesky's Q......sole sista;) *except my hubby still has hair! :p (but yours has a big gun :sus: don't tell him I said that...:theyareon)

What is your least favorite feature on yourself?
three letters: IBS :p

what's your favorite personality trait you see in yourself?
clubchick said:
three letters: IBS :p

what's your favorite personality trait you see in yourself?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a feature?:confused:

I really don't know......

What's your favorite personality trait you see in yourself?