So What's The Deal????? **another game**

super short. i found that if they're even a little long, they get all gnarly after a long run. it's nasty

how long are your fingernails
I'm trying to keep them shorter these days, I'm tired of long nails...

Do you make a list and follow it when you go shopping?
I'm going right now and I made a list!!

How often do you go grocery shopping?
once a week

Do you do the grocery shopping or someone else?
I do about all of it.

Where do you usually do your grocery shopping?
if they're at the store. i'm terrible about clipping. besides, about 90% of my grocery shopping is at costco, and they don't accept manufacturer's coupons

what's the worst hairstyle you've worn?
Coon Mohawk :(

If you dont succeed at first do you try again?
yes try and try again

Have you ever learned from a mistake but did it again anyways?

*fell out of a tree twice, the second time I broke my arm :( *
Well, I've had a couple speeding tickets so I guess so. :o

Are you impulsive or more of a planner?
I'm usually more of a planner, but I can be impulsive.

Do you go on vacations or trips impulsively very often?
yeah, i'm hyper-impulsive, so we take trips on the spur of the moment a lot

do you wish you were more impulsive or thoughtful?
Yes...rainy weather makes me sleepy. It's a good day to just stay in PJs!

Do you ever jump in puddles anymore?
I did with my son when it rained recently. He played for a long time in the rain and then the puddles!

Do you like thunderstorms?
Yes and I like watching the lightning (as long as I'm inside ;) )

Was there a storm by you last night?
no. still hot and dry here

what CD is in your car right now?