Rep game Closed. - The Sequel

You know, I think that is why I have difficulty hugging people! I thank EVERYBODY that I find their post useful and a lot of others DON'T!!!! I think thanking the poster for useful info is more important than hugging members. So there! :unsure:

me too! :yesnod::yesnod: wish we could do both.
they are different types of reps... thanks apple for pointing that out!

i know there are others here who think that thanking doesn't impact
hugs but i can't get all 10 hugs when i thank!
i am greedy i want to do BOTH!

there were a lot of new freebies posted yesterday and
those guys deserve some thanks
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:grouphug::love: I got 8 today!!!
Alright ya'll. This has been fun, but I think I'm going to bow out officially. Have fun hugging... I hope you reach 1,000,000,000!
:yesnod: :director: I put in my 5 for today!!!:boogy:
Handed out 10 :peep::spy::behindsofa::vroam: about half regulars, the rest randoms:dontknow:
The day is done, handed out a batch of :wavey:.......:usa2:.......:five:..........Have fun :flybye:
:cheer2::grouphug: I got 6 today!!!:yesnod::boogy:
:rant: I'm working as hard as I can do get all my :hugs: here

:sad: it's not working so great :cry: