Official Democrat Compliment\Complaint Form

How about the Federal Sales Tax idea? It would include everybody regardless of income, age, gender, race, creed, etc.... People who shop at Wal-Mart would pay the tax on the products they are able to afford and people who shop at Bergdorf Goodman, Prada, etc... would pay the tax on the products they were able to afford. If you don't buy you don't pay. Of course there would be no loopholes for the wealthy to avoid paying the tax on their luxuries so it's not going to happen.
Jerry, have you read the Fairtax books?
Some of this puts (would put) us on a very slippery slope.....
I see. So my Veterans Administration benefits or educational benefits disenfranchise me. What about indirect benefits such as Federal transit subsidies? Should they count?
Exactly what problem are we solving here?

Personally, I think an IQ test should be required.

Read DanC's response. He says it perfectly.

If you earn it, it's different than getting something for nothing. Now, politicans can just buy votes by promising to redistribute the wealth of the rich. Meanwhile the poor can keep those politicians in power. It's legalized stealing.
IMHO, there is nothing wrong with the political system put in place by the guys back in the 1770's. What we have today is far removed from what was then.

I believe you and I share the same HO (that's Humble Opinion). One would think that the system would be IMPROVED not worsened. Instead what could ironically develop with the political derisions that seem to be forming is a sort of dialectic materialism not unlike what was espoused by Marx. Maybe the fear of Communism is real.
Dictating who can vote based on making Federal Tax payments......what about disabled people? Historically, they earn much less or are on government assistance......but you may capture them in the net along with SS earned. What about the couple who retire with no income and just live off their savings? They don't pay Fed taxes.

Let's say, you were able to capture those who legitimately would fall through the 'cracks' (since the objective to that plan would be to encourage those who are able to work but receiving entitlements to get out there and earn/support themselves and be able to vote). So now, you've succeeded in getting them to pay a little bit of Fed tax so they can vote (the rest they are earning off the books :wink: ) So now, we'll put a minimum Fed Tax paid in order to vote to get encourage them to report those earnings so they can vote......and so on, and so on..... Pretty soon it's only the elite who can vote. Slippery slope, just one example that jumps out at me....there's more.
The fairtax would be a better solution.
1. Open a new file in your computer.
2. Name it "Barack Obama."
3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.
4. Empty the Recycle Bin.
5. Your PC will ask you: "Do you really want to get rid of "Barack Obama?"
6. Firmly Click "Yes."
7. Feel better?
GOOD! - Tomorrow do Nancy Pelosi.
8. Repeat until you can vote them all out.....:wink:
Jerry, have you read the Fairtax books?

I am so "out of it". Thanks for pointing it out - they have a whole .org web site. Unfortunately, as much as I like the idea, I think full legalization of marijuana has a better chance of happening, and decades before, fairtax ever will. Too many people are making too much money off of the current tax system. They don't want anything to change and "fair" isn't part of their vocabulary. If something is has the word "fair" in the word substitute "for-me". They would go for a "for-me" tax instead of a "fair"tax.
I agree, it will be a long, hard road to implement a fair tax. I believe the main obstacle is that it removes the social engineering tools of 'tax incentive', 'tax exemption', 'tax deductability', etc. from the politician's tool box.
I agree, it will be a long, hard road to implement a fair tax. I believe the main obstacle is that it removes the social engineering tools of 'tax incentive', 'tax exemption', 'tax deductability', etc. from the politician's tool box.

Don't forget "tax credits" and "tax cuts" too.
I didn't read the article, but does it explain how double digit unemployment is a good thing?
I didn't read the article, ...

I didn't read the article, but does it explain how double digit unemployment is a good thing?

I think you have seriously reduced the credibility of your political views.
I didn't read the article because the link didn't take me to the article you cited
And what is that Avatar deer thingie?

OK, link works now, read the article. I think the analysis is very shallow. Read it carefully and it says that the Federal government has propped up everything. That is not sustainable, unless they continue to print money faster than they spend it. Even then, it will collapse when the dollar is considered worthless by other governments. We're in danger of losing our international AAA rating now.
Granted, government programs were behind the mortgage and credit crises, but the first step should be to reverse the previous errors, stimulate the economy in a sustainable fashion, and get out of the way of private enterprise.
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...get out of the way of private enterprise.

dude, you are so right on this one. companies like Massey Energy should be left alone to run their business as they see fit.