It it similar with teaching. My wife is a teacher (Anthro Major, taught history). I once discovered in conversation that the only criteria to being a teacher is a desire to teach. There is no instruction, school, curricula, etc. where one can major or even get a certificate as "teacher". It answered my long asked question of, "how is it teacher Q is considered a "better" teacher than teacher W?" The difference?, just a knack - OMFG! Why don't we have Drs of Teaching? After all, these are the people who instruct our future races!
You can "believe" anything is true but that doesn't make it "the" truth.
I agree history is facilitating (religious, philosophical, etc.) but so is our political system but when I say "truth" I am saying what is true for ALL. Democracy is good but if it were the "truth" there would be no discussion of how it is done. So far, in all the reaches of history the truth has never been realized and until it is we will keep on "arguing". I can't see how studying history can help find TRUTH. The history has bee "there" but truth is still being sought. It won't be found in history.
I'm guessing you haven't studied the actual Dead Sea Scrolls themselves. So you, like I, have to trust what other scholars say about them. If you don't mind, I would like to know which scholars you have read. I'd like to read what they have to say.
These assertions are false. I can tell you firsthand that philosopy majors are taught more than the history of philosophy. New areas are explored. Old areas are explored from different points of view. In other words, philosophy is practiced.
As for teaching, there are countless schools offering education majors. Universities are not usually in the business of certifying teachers, but states and municipalities certainly are. Seeing that you are a Yankees fan, you might be aware that in NYC the newbies are subject to student teaching and observation prior to certification. Additional training and experience is required for certain certifications, such as special ed.
... So, assuming that man today is more advanced than man of the past (after all, as Douglas Adams points out we have evolved to the point of inventing the digital watch) and if philosophy is being practiced shouldn't we expect some advanced breakthroughs in this? ...
digital watches notwithstanding, your assumption may not hold. we certainly know more than past humans did about the workings of the universe, but some of those old guys -- Descartes, Newton, Leibniz, the Bernoullis, or even older like Archimedes -- I think they might be able to give a modern man a run for his money.
IMHO, there is nothing wrong with the political system put in place by the guys back in the 1770's. What we have today is far removed from what was then. Yes, some adaptations needed to be made with the growth of the country and technical innovations, but they did not set up an overarching federal nanny state. Your state government should be a much larger presence in your life than the federal government.
Two quotes from Winston Churchill:
“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. "
Yes, I know that we are NOT a Democracy, but a Representative Republic, but the quotes still ring true to me.
I know this would be wildly unpopular, but I believe that the right to vote should be limited to those paying taxes to the subject level of government. In other words, no Federal income tax paid, no vote in Federal elections.
It would probably work out that everyone could vote in State and local races, due to sales taxes.
I would much prefer that the entire IRS structure be eliminated, replaced by a Federal sales tax at the consumer level ONLY, adjusted for the so-called 'poverty line'. Everyone would pay according to income, everyone would vote, and the deficit would be eliminated in short order. It's called the Fair Tax.
One of the main forces which has pushed the government to it's present overbloated, overcontrolling, unmanageable and unsustainable level has been people voting themselves increased government benefits.
I'll meet you halfway. You don't have to pay taxes to vote, but if you receive any government benefits, whether monetary or in-kind, other than Social Security RETIREMENT benefits, you surrender your right to vote. Producers who sustain (or sustained) the nation should determine the course of the nation.
Oh my goodness. Brilliant! If you are taking advantage of welfare, you can't vote your way to increased welfare.