Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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actually, i really want to go to vegas next week... wanna come?

:suspicious:Does a deer poop in the woods? :wink:

:thinking: Actually, one of my ex-boyfriends lives in Vegas now....he was always fun......:teeth:
Dear Husband, Tip #2 for the week: Don't look at a Christmas card sent from one of wife's friends and have the following conversation with wife... "Huh, she looks different. Wonder why?" Wife responds "She's been running a lot since her split with her husband." Husband's response "Oh yeah. She looks really good skinny." followed 1 hour later with the sudden comment to wife "So, when are you going to be able to exercise again? You can do some walking on the treadmill right?" Wife's comment "Well I'm sure not going to do the eliptical or anything else so I can rip my stitches wide open." :mmph:
Dear Husband, Tip #2 for the week: Don't look at a Christmas card sent from one of wife's friends and have the following conversation with wife... "Huh, she looks different. Wonder why?" Wife responds "She's been running a lot since her split with her husband." Husband's response "Oh yeah. She looks really good skinny." followed 1 hour later with the sudden comment to wife "So, when are you going to be able to exercise again? You can do some walking on the treadmill right?" Wife's comment "Well I'm sure not going to do the eliptical or anything else so I can rip my stitches wide open." :mmph:

Now Sun, that's just a man's way of thinking he's helping you out with helpful suggestions. They just know how 'we women' like to look purdy and attractive therefore he just wanted you to feel good and let you know how you can be as attractive as that other hot woman...:tongue: At least he didn't follow that comment with, "Honey, can you get me a beer?". (Thinking that you may not be up for the treadmill, but you could start exercising by walking to the fridge.)...or did he?...see he only has your best interests at heart. :lost:

BTW If you don't have one of those large iron skillets, you should invest in one. :yesnod:
Ladies, you obsess on things, make every little comment a personal assault, and you miss great opportunities.
Correct response to "She looks good Skinny" comment:
"Yeah, and you should see her ex. He's hit the gym and looks good enough to eat!"
Whether it's true or not, it would serve as a motivational tool.
Ladies, you obsess on things, make every little comment a personal assault, and you miss great opportunities.
Correct response to "She looks good Skinny" comment:
"Yeah, and you should see her ex. He's hit the gym and looks good enough to eat!"
Whether it's true or not, it would serve as a motivational tool.

:doh: And send him crying and pouting to another room? :yesnod:
Tell him to put on his big-boy pullups and get to the gym
Ladies, you obsess on things, make every little comment a personal assault, and you miss great opportunities.
Correct response to "She looks good Skinny" comment:
"Yeah, and you should see her ex. He's hit the gym and looks good enough to eat!"
Whether it's true or not, it would serve as a motivational tool.

I believe her ex has "turned" gay and is fugly to boot. So, that comment would be hard to pull off with a straight face.
Ladies, you obsess on things, make every little comment a personal assault, and you miss great opportunities.
Correct response to "She looks good Skinny" comment:
"Yeah, and you should see her ex. He's hit the gym and looks good enough to eat!"
Whether it's true or not, it would serve as a motivational tool.

Dan, I will credit you with the obsession comment. Most of us do obsess. I think the comment about the makeup the other day set me up to obsess on the next comment from his mouth. Anything said about my appearance or some other chick's appearance lately is taken with more than a grain of salt...mostly due the fact that I haven't been able to get a good exercise in since mid summer and feel like utter crap. I used to run 5 miles a day. Now I'm on steroids (that's a great figure booster)!) and can only walk for exercise, but not on an incline as of yet...so it's not doing much good. I'm working on that. I'll just wear earplugs in the meantime.
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You smelled the pork fried rice all the way from my house?? :tongue:

Just waiting on Sun's response now...lol

omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just went to reply and I saw your hidden message. crap. I've been found out. But, what I was going to say, anyway, was that I think she was smelling porksicles. Geez, donktush, you almost sucked the fun out of this one. almost.
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