Yes, I sure did! I PM'd her last night as soon as I saw it!! Funny!:lol:oh my gosh...did anyone notice the key this thing is in???? ound:
the key of D flat, otherwise known as db. dbee?? :rofl:
:hmmmm: I always thought it was played in the key of "F"? :blushing:
Isn't this suppose to be on the pictures that make you think of other things
Isn't this suppose to be on the pictures that make you think of other things
:rofl:ound:btw, apeface, where ya' been? :tongue: Practicing up on your musical talents?
oh my gosh...I just pee'd in my pants. thanks dbee. that may put a damper on tonight's festivities.
Anyone near a Walgreen's--Almay mascara is buy one get one free this store had specially marked packages that already had two tubes in each pack for the same price so I got four tubes for the price of one! Just don't go to my store because I wiped them out-as I went back for more! So what I have 8 tubes of mascara!!! I shall look purdy!:wink:
8 inches!!!!
of snow :blushing: