my purple tree goes thinking wine is xray
Holy moly... only 10 more weeks to go before baby arrives!! Gosh this year flew by fast!!
Stop putting things in the septic tank and it won't smell bad anymore. Just a thought...
my purple tree goes thinking wine is xray
I stopped wetting the bed yeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrs ago though. :rofl: :tongue:
You don't say! Life is a full circle......few more years, and you'll be back to your old habbits again :tongue: eace:
I smell sewage!!! We had our septic tank pumped 1 1/2 weeks ago, then for the past 3 days, typically following rain, the downstairs shower drain is emitting this disgusting odor! I have read about dry traps, and we've flushed, let the shower run, etc. The smell will go away, then come back in about 24 hours. We're calling the pump people tomorrow. This is just gross. Anyone have advice/experience/suggestions. I'm gonna go find a mask.
Wow Preco! What an impressive knowledge base about Septic Systems! :yesnod:
Our county has only 12,500 people and so we don't have a large tax base to begin with... :sad:Millard County ... how I love thee ... and the fact that the commissioners and assessor didn't provide the State of Utah with property valuations on time. County taxpayers are only left with a $250,000 withdrawal of state funds and higher valuation taxes as a result.
Our county has only 12,500 people and so we don't have a large tax base to begin with... :sad:
It's like our commissioners stopping each individual, asking for $20, and then burning it in front of us.
Millard County ... how I love thee ... and the fact that the commissioners and assessor didn't provide the State of Utah with property valuations on time. County taxpayers are only left with a $250,000 withdrawal of state funds and higher valuation taxes as a result.