Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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Holy moly... only 10 more weeks to go before baby arrives!! Gosh this year flew by fast!!
I smell sewage!!! We had our septic tank pumped 1 1/2 weeks ago, then for the past 3 days, typically following rain, the downstairs shower drain is emitting this disgusting odor! I have read about dry traps, and we've flushed, let the shower run, etc. The smell will go away, then come back in about 24 hours. We're calling the pump people tomorrow. This is just gross. Anyone have advice/experience/suggestions. I'm gonna go find a mask.
Stop putting things in the septic tank and it won't smell bad anymore. Just a thought...
:hurray: No :rainme: yesterday and the roof is done :teeth:

Now if we could get rid of that last dumpster :nonod:
You don't say! Life is a full circle......few more years, and you'll be back to your old habbits again :tongue: :peace:

you have a way of breaking news gently. thank you for your kindness in this matter. :unsure:
I smell sewage!!! We had our septic tank pumped 1 1/2 weeks ago, then for the past 3 days, typically following rain, the downstairs shower drain is emitting this disgusting odor! I have read about dry traps, and we've flushed, let the shower run, etc. The smell will go away, then come back in about 24 hours. We're calling the pump people tomorrow. This is just gross. Anyone have advice/experience/suggestions. I'm gonna go find a mask.

Have the septic people clean out the main trap in your house (the one right before it exits the house).

Before we had our septic replaced this happened to us as well. We even had water come up in our lower level shower a few times. They replaced the system and it happened again. There was a blockage that was 'tempermental' just by the last/exiting trap in the house. Cleaned it out and it's been fine. (P.S. That's not why we replaced the system.)

BTW, how old is your system? How often do you get it pumped? It also could be a sign that your system is failing.....meaning it can't handle the water, hence you're having it pumped. Have you checked the leach field?
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Millard County ... how I love thee ... and the fact that the commissioners and assessor didn't provide the State of Utah with property valuations on time. County taxpayers are only left with a $250,000 withdrawal of state funds and higher valuation taxes as a result.
uh...preco...i'll have my hubby read your post and respond accordingly. by the way, my mood is "crappy"...isn't that fitting?
crap again...I forgot it is hump day. Wait....hold on...what time is it?
Millard County ... how I love thee ... and the fact that the commissioners and assessor didn't provide the State of Utah with property valuations on time. County taxpayers are only left with a $250,000 withdrawal of state funds and higher valuation taxes as a result.
Our county has only 12,500 people and so we don't have a large tax base to begin with... :sad:

It's like our commissioners stopping each individual, asking for $20, and then burning it in front of us.
Our county has only 12,500 people and so we don't have a large tax base to begin with... :sad:

It's like our commissioners stopping each individual, asking for $20, and then burning it in front of us.

If this upsets you - Don't move to New Jersey.

NJ version:

"It's like our commissioners sending the boys around to shake down each individual, stealing their wallets (credit cards, bank PIN codes, safe deposit boxes, money under the mattress, etc), and then buying fancy cars, booze, trips to Aruba-Europe-Asia, etc., AND posting their travel pictures on the National-Local news and mailing slick flyers to our houses (C.O.D.).
Millard County ... how I love thee ... and the fact that the commissioners and assessor didn't provide the State of Utah with property valuations on time. County taxpayers are only left with a $250,000 withdrawal of state funds and higher valuation taxes as a result.

The term you're looking for in the class action lawsuit is 'malfeasance'.
The commissioners and assessors pay this out of their personal funds, and then vacate their offices.

The next batch won't miss the deadline.
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