Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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THANK YOU! Yes, you guessed it, my hubby is the one who said this...after I looked at him and repeatedly asked "You're kidding? You're kidding, right? I said, YOU ARE KIDDING, RIGHT?????"

You know, I'm not really that surprised that he said this...probably got fed this from his mom or something. Afterall, his mom was a k-garten teacher, so she's telling us repeatedly to "keep an eye on the teachers to make sure they are doing their job." Hello! First of all, I got my child into a good local school. Secondly, I have a very inquisitive son who likes to learn. Thirdly, I am completely capable of monitoring my son's learning. I just want to scream "CHILL ALREADY" at the top of my lungs. WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for venting guys. Good news though: The visit from the in-laws for this weekend is on hold. Thanks for listening to this service announcement. Now, I'm going to go watch a special on the Weather Channel: Damaging Tomatoes Cause Overwhelming Damage in N.C. Stay tuned....

OK, once removed. Tell hubby to stop 'channeling' his mother, it's not manly.
IMHO calling a tornado a tomato is not the bases of needing speech therapy. Not being able to pronounce sounds of the letters or having a lisp is what speech therapy is for. I think most kids do this, when they hear a word and are not quite sure what the word is (tornado) they relate it to another word that they do know (tomato). If you think about it, she is pretty smart - she is picked another word that began with the letter "T" and has the same number of syllables.
IMHO calling a tornado a tomato is not the bases of needing speech therapy. Not being able to pronounce sounds of the letters or having a lisp is what speech therapy is for. I think most kids do this, when they hear a word and are not quite sure what the word is (tornado) they relate it to another word that they do know (tomato). If you think about it, she is pretty smart - she is picked another word that began with the letter "T" and has the same number of syllables.

K-Ma - you are exactly right. The other week when my son was not listening in the stores on vacation, my hubby tells me he thinks he has ADHD. Another "wth" moment. I said "Don't you just think it's because we are on vacation, the kids have both lost about 2 hours of sleep a night, and he's not into hours and hours of being dragged around shopping at clothing/shoe stores." I agree with the comment about choosing a more familiar word. As soon as hubby started to correct her over and over about "tornado", she kept repeating "tomato." She did it on purpose. She knew it was the wrong word. I had to laugh. Yeah, my MIL tells my daughter she needs to change the smiley faces she draws to make them "more like a smiley." In my eyes, my daughter does the best smilies in the world...they have two dots for eyes, and a LONGGGG straight mouth. My MIL insists that she draw realistic looking eye balls with more circles. Drives me nuts. Why make a child grow up/change when it's completely unnecessary!?! OK, I'm done with my off topic rant. Off to run 5 miles on the treadmill (if my legs will hold up!). Thanks everyone. :peace:
IMHO calling a tornado a tomato is not the bases of needing speech therapy. Not being able to pronounce sounds of the letters or having a lisp is what speech therapy is for. I think most kids do this, when they hear a word and are not quite sure what the word is (tornado) they relate it to another word that they do know (tomato). If you think about it, she is pretty smart - she is picked another word that began with the letter "T" and has the same number of syllables.

I don't need grammar lessons.....I was typing this with two children pulling pots and pans out of the cabinet so they could sit in the cabinet!

Have a good run Sun!
I don't need grammar lessons.....I was typing this with two children pulling pots and pans out of the cabinet so they could sit in the cabinet!

Have a good run Sun!

Why K-Ma, I hadn't even noticed your grammar snafu. I've got a BOGO with an instructor...I'll email you the coupon code so you can get help before it's too late. :wink: :tongue:
Why K-Ma, I hadn't even noticed your grammar snafu. I've got a BOGO with an instructor...I'll email you the coupon code so you can get help before it's too late. :wink: :tongue:
The instructor babysits? :thumb:
I saw the Commodores last night :music: would have been great if Lionel Richie was there :sad:
Why do people still send emails with

"Send to # friends and see what comes on the screen, It is so funny!"

Nothing ever comes up on the screen so why are people still doing it?
Why do people still send emails with

"Send to # friends and see what comes on the screen, It is so funny!"

Nothing ever comes up on the screen so why are people still doing it?

OMG! I'm always wondering that! And really-can you not check snopes before you pass it on?

On a side note: my 7 year old decided to give me a nic-name....ready?

Bad A$$ Mom

I don't even know what made his little head go there! I told him he could only call me that in private, because if he said it at school.....well they probably wouldn't let me do any of the class parties anymore. :eek:
:noidea: Does anyone ever remember ultimate mentioning her husbands first name?
I have ultimates address and thought that if I knew his name I could get a hold of her.

:nurse: She almost died once, I would hate to think that something terrible has happened to her.

I have ultimates address and thought that if I knew his name I could get a hold of her.

:nurse: She almost died once, I would hate to think that something terrible has happened to her.

go to whitepages.com or anywho.com and do a reverse lookup for the address - type in the address and it should give you the name it is listed under and possibly a phone #
I tryed a few sites and they didn't show the address that I have, but they showed a lot of other addresses in the same city. :motz:

I'll try anywho, I never heard of that one before. :nonod:
I tryed a few sites and they didn't show the address that I have, but they showed a lot of other addresses in the same city. :motz:

I'll try anywho, I never heard of that one before. :nonod:
I just clicked on your "huh" in your siggy - too cute!

What I know of Christie is that she would be very "flattered" that you were thinking of her and she would warmly receive the call. I'm sure if she has that nature, he family has it as well.

Please give us an update when you hear.

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