It's over. phew. There was an actual tornado spotted about 10 minutes away. I hate hate hate tornado warnings. Luckily, usually the mountains break the storms up a bit. I have had tornado nightmares since I was a little kid and have never actually seen one...but the thought of one freaks me out. My brother lived out in Kansas City until this past year. Every city on the outskirts that he moved to was hit by Category 4 storms. I went to visit him (via car with my hubby) when I was pregnant with my son. It was a year when 90 or so tornadoes had already ripped through the area that year. I remember seeing paths where trees had been snapped in half. That trip, my dad called me while we were driving and says "You're getting ready to drive into a cell." The sky was was earily silent. We pulled over at WalMart to wait it out. :rofl: When we got to his house, a huge tornadic storm came up at 3 am and I was feet from the basement watching the t.v. for updates. I couldn't sleep. They laughed at me...but I'm no fool! :lol: