Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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WTF who tossed the egg on my porch:questionmark:
:creep:...it was the woodchuck/groundhog back to seek his revenge on his captor!.....:flybye:

.....tee hee hee

You know it could be LOL
I have a pond behind my house, I could have tossed the cage in there. I would do that to the neighbor kids, but not the groundhog! :proud:
Does your groundhog eat bats? Because I have a bat hanging in the window just outside my attic. I tried to squirt him away from inside the attic. He was drenched and "chirping" at me, but didn't budge. Nice set of teeth. :bat:
Does your groundhog eat bats? Because I have a bat hanging in the window just outside my attic. I tried to squirt him away from inside the attic. He was drenched and "chirping" at me, but didn't budge. Nice set of teeth. :bat:

Man! You really go the extra mile with your Halloween decorating Sun22beam!! :hail:
Does your groundhog eat bats? Because I have a bat hanging in the window just outside my attic. I tried to squirt him away from inside the attic. He was drenched and "chirping" at me, but didn't budge. Nice set of teeth. :bat:

Do you see him even in the daylight? I bet he would love to get in there, or he has friends in there :(
I don't think Groundhogs eat bats, but we do have some around here. :bat:

Man! You really go the extra mile with your Halloween decorating Sun22beam!! :hail:

:rofl: :rofl:
Do you see him even in the daylight? I bet he would love to get in there, or he has friends in there :(
I don't think Groundhogs eat bats, but we do have some around here. :bat:

I see Batty during the day because he is hanging upside down sleeping there. Batty probably started having a horrible nightmare about a storm when I drenched him/her. I think I should put a chair up outside a little later tonight and see if I can watch Batty fly out. That is IF I can avoid being attacked by the Mama bear and cubs wondering around. Where did all of this crazy wildlife come from???? Batty (or a friend/relative) was here 2 years ago and my husband climbed a ladder to place plastic on the outside of the house to block the bat from reentry...but all I kept thinking about was my husband falling 20 feet to the driveway....so that plan is out. Batty is awfully cute though. Of course, everyone knows rabies vaccines are in extreme shortage, right???
Speaking of eggs, I'm hungry for breakfast! It's not even midnight yet so I can't have breakfast in a morning.. at least yet.

OH DUH! :doh:

Does your groundhog eat bats? Because I have a bat hanging in the window just outside my attic. I tried to squirt him away from inside the attic. He was drenched and "chirping" at me, but didn't budge. Nice set of teeth. :bat:

We had a bat in the house once when I was younger - Mom whacked it with a broom enough to stun it and Dad took it outside....creepy little thing...
I would lose all my cookies over that one......:faint:
"Health officials say that the bat was sent to a lab but that its brain was too cooked by the hot water to determine whether it had rabies"


We rented a house once with a SEVERE carpenter ant problem. I went to make coffee - opened the lid to get the filter and a ton of them came up rushing out of there. It was like a scene from a horror flick. Them boogers were all over inside the coffee pot. So I ran a couple of pots of water to "flush them" out - I could see them floating in the cup measure thing on the side. They were so clogged in there - my coffee pot would not work! I called the landlord..without any coffee in my system.... :rant:
You folks are doing wonders for my stomach this morning......
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