Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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That is very fancy. Will he be making it for all of us? :D

What time is good for you?

I don't think they are as stringy as a regular pumpkin. I cut mine into four pieces, clean out the inside and wrap in foil. Then I bake it for a hour and a half and when I take it out of the oven I let it cool off and then just peel the peel off and it isn't stringy or watery at all. I use mine for bread. I have the best recipe for pumpkin bread.:hungry: The way k-Ma's hubby makes it sounds really good too though! :)

The ones we have used are not as stringy and messy as a big pumpkin, and there are fewer seeds.

What's the "more"? I demand the recipie! :hungry:

Please? :05:

Sounds yummy! I'd love to serve it at an upcoming gathering!

It is yummy. I will have to ask him what all he puts in it. The man could have his own restaurant - I swear. He makes up his own recipes all the time or takes a recipe and makes it better. He has an amazing palate. See, he is the chef and I am the presenter/decorator. Oh, I am also the cleaner. lol
I always roast the seeds. Yum! :) Sugar pumpkins aren't the real small ones. They usually weigh about five lbs and I think most grocery store do carry them.


We :love: roasted pumpkin seeds!!!

For hubby's recipe you can use a sugar pumpkin or the smaller pumpkins (dont know the official name) The sugar pumpkin can be set in the middle of the table as a centerpiece and you can serve your guests from it. Or you can do individual servings in the little pumpkins and set individual place settings.
We are making some next week for my parents who are coming to visit. I cant wait! I love to decorate!

I'm going to see Tori Amos in concert on Oct. 27th!!!

BOOYAH :dancing: :woot:
I'm going to see Killer Klowns From Outer Space this weekend!


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What is with all the scary clowns??
I love that movie. I have a copy that I recorded from cable onto VHS. I like the old guy for his dog, "Pooh Bear".
I am not at all about scary clown movies. "It" probably scarred me for life. LOL
Today was going to be my son's first real field trip. It got postponed due to awful weather. He's really bummed. :( I was going to be a chaperone too.
I am not at all about scary clown movies. "It" probably scarred me for life. LOL

This movie is anything but scary. Its hilarious. Granted it might startle you in places, but its not scary.

Sorry you cant go on your field trip.
It was the clown that was disturbing. Plus I was little when I saw it.

Thanks. It was going to be fun. Pumpkin picking, hay ride, goat petting. etc. etc. I feel bad for the teacher who had to tell all the kids that it was off for today. A bunch of 6 year olds will not take it well.
It was the clown that was disturbing. Plus I was little when I saw it.

Thanks. It was going to be fun. Pumpkin picking, hay ride, goat petting. etc. etc. I feel bad for the teacher who had to tell all the kids that it was off for today. A bunch of 6 year olds will not take it well.

Aw that's a bummer! :( Maybe you can make it up to him when the weather clears up.

What is with all the scary clowns??

I wanted a scary avatar but I think I'm gonna change it. It just freaks me out. :eek:
I wanted a scary avatar but I think I'm gonna change it. It just freaks me out. :eek:

Good choice :bigok: Scary Pumpkins are less scary!
I also noticed that monkfish hasn't been around in a while..I hope all is well with him.
He may be busy with all the things that monkfish need to do. Washing his monk robes, cleaning out his fish bowl, swimming in circles. That sort of thing. LOL
My freebies have been short in coming ever since I got a new mailman. :suspect:
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