Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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Don't you wish you could pick your relatives? :angel:

I believe we pick our relatives with our friends.

Just because you're related, doesn't mean you have to associate with them.

I know but they've been there for me....sometimes. Plus we're Italian and Irish so we have that "family first" mentality. I just wish everything with them wasn't so dramatic, they weren't so judgmental and weren't so stupid sometimes.
What? I'm a girl, I'm allowed to be complicated. ;)

You know....you can wish for that here...http://www.spoofee.com/forums/showthread.php?p=282937#post282937 ;) Wouldn't you rather the drama move though??

I would love the drama to leave, but when I move away they seem to stop calling me with all their dramatic stories! :claps:
So their lives aren't interrupted and my life becomes....peaceful?
What? I'm a girl, I'm allowed to be complicated.

I saw a news story of a study that showed women are not helped by constantly talking about their problems, it only makes them more depressed.
Finally, a study that makes sense!!
I believe that study, except its not just women but men too. Dwelling on things you can't change doesn't do any good for anyone.
I believe that study, except its not just women but men too. Dwelling on things you can't change doesn't do any good for anyone.

I know that's true, but in general, it's the women who 'only want to talk about it' and get thoroughly 'oprahed' if the man she's talking to offers a solution.
My electric utility goes by the acronym "PRECO". I'm writing a BIG check right now to them. Somehow that makes me uneasy. I just keep seeing visions of closets full of shoes. Perhaps I should move..........
Why is life so full of drama? I hate drama.

Hey Sccrbrs, I used to have a friend..no associate..no really just someone who wouldn't leave me alone with all their drama. Try this, everytime they start pouring their pity give it back to them.:blah: Tilt your head slightly to the side, wrinkle your forehead, and sypathetically "Awe...." "Oh my!" "Oh that's aweful!"...:cry:seem really genuine-genuinely slightly condesending Ok-just sarcastic enough that you seem genuine but they can't be sure. -:eyebrows: Make sure you follow up when they ask how things are for you (which people like this rarely do but you know) with how everything in your life is just normal stuff. They'll leave you alone with it eventually. :05:
one more week of summer school WOOHOOOOOOO

on the "talking about it" issue... i agree that dwelling on an issue is a waste of time. some things can't be resolved, though, and just venting a little can be a good thing. i think talking and listening is how women show love, which is why a good man will do both with the woman he loves, just as a good woman will go to a baseball game and eat hot dogs or sit and watch MMA on pay-per-view with the man she loves.
Hey Sccrbrs, I used to have a friend..no associate..no really just someone who wouldn't leave me alone with all their drama. Try this, everytime they start pouring their pity give it back to them.:blah: Tilt your head slightly to the side, wrinkle your forehead, and sypathetically "Awe...." "Oh my!" "Oh that's aweful!"...:cry:seem really genuine-genuinely slightly condesending Ok-just sarcastic enough that you seem genuine but they can't be sure. -:eyebrows: Make sure you follow up when they ask how things are for you (which people like this rarely do but you know) with how everything in your life is just normal stuff. They'll leave you alone with it eventually. :05:

Cybermom, you're evil!
I like that in a person:proud:
Nah, in the Deep South, it would be a form of "nasty-nice".
Hey Sccrbrs, I used to have a friend..no associate..no really just someone who wouldn't leave me alone with all their drama. Try this, everytime they start pouring their pity give it back to them.:blah: Tilt your head slightly to the side, wrinkle your forehead, and sypathetically "Awe...." "Oh my!" "Oh that's aweful!"...:cry:seem really genuine-genuinely slightly condesending Ok-just sarcastic enough that you seem genuine but they can't be sure. -:eyebrows: Make sure you follow up when they ask how things are for you (which people like this rarely do but you know) with how everything in your life is just normal stuff. They'll leave you alone with it eventually. :05:

I like you too - :shakehands:

My approach is a little different....when the story starts to get extremely dramatic and ridiculous, I start interrupting with my own stories. Sometimes I use the same subject (ex: OMG! I totally* know this girl who went thru the same thing....). However, I find it much more enjoyable to comment with something way in left field (ex: Oh my gosh that is terrible. You know the other day I went into the store and saw the coolest ice cream display ever. That totally* put me in the mood for a hamburger....)

*the use of the word "totally" mimicked like someone from the valley.

I just find this amusing.....:rofl:
DiGriz, should you turn around?

Nice view, Preco
Thanks DanC and Kadin's Mommy! It's nice to be appreciated!:proud:
Preco, check out the shoes

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My electric utility goes by the acronym "PRECO". I'm writing a BIG check right now to them. Somehow that makes me uneasy. I just keep seeing visions of closets full of shoes. Perhaps I should move..........

I guess you didn't look under the bed? We had to upgrade to King size for the 'over flow'. :ignore:

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