i know, im careful when im with them.
Did I miss something? Well I got my report card and got A's and B's. WOO-HOO!
AARRGGHH!!!!! I am so tired of being the only person in this office that gives a sh!t !!!!
Just remember, you are often judged by the company you keep. Whether you deserve the 'label' or not.
i know, they are the only people who dont care if i fail a test and don't give me s*** for doing something bad.
but you dont understand having all these people, making me feel guilty for doing this and making fun of me for doing that. i dont want my friends to care that much, they make me feel bad and worried and i hate that feeling. i don'thang out with them on a regular basis, just after school and during school. you make it sound like they are bad people. you need to know them better.
PugGirl, shani means that she doesnt want to be with people who make her feel bad for getting detention, or make fun of her for getting a lousy grade; so she hangs out with people who arent that worried about it.
Besides, shes still pretty young. She still has some growing up to do. She'll catch on. The thing is we have the benefit of hindsight, when people told us these exact things we didnt pay attention either (or at least I didnt).
You'll figure it out, Shani. Youre a bright girl. Just be on your toes. No one is trying to hurt your feelings or bad m outh your friends just to be maliscious. Its all meant in the most positive way, we dont want anything to happen to you.
PugGirl, shani means that she doesnt want to be with people who make her feel bad for getting detention, or make fun of her for getting a lousy grade; so she hangs out with people who arent that worried about it.
Besides, shes still pretty young. She still has some growing up to do (no offense). She'll catch on. The thing is we have the benefit of hindsight, when people told us these exact things we didnt pay attention either (or at least I didnt). And I turned out just fine.
You'll figure it out, Shani. Youre a bright girl. Just be on your toes. No one is trying to hurt your feelings or bad mouth your friends just to be malicious. Its all meant in the most positive way, we dont want anything to happen to you.