Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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Oh jeez. I wouldve just died if my mom had to come to school to take up for me against a girl. I wouldve never lived it down.

Well I didn't do it in front of the other kids. They won't even know I came down there and talked to her. His teacher is pretty cool and I talk to her all the time. Beside he's still my baby. :28:
I just want to go to sleep and wake up...maybe some time in June?

I'll second that thought....but I am going to need to push it back until July.....

I am so tired of being sick already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been like a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw hope you get better soon, K-ma:hug: ....good thing I am still sick or I might have caught it off of you. :tongue:

OH MY GOSH!!!! I just heard....Genisis AND The Police are doing reunion tours. :claps: :claps:
K-Ma, now you can say it truthfully. "I am sick and tired..."

Thats nice of Sting and Phil Collins & Peter Gabriel to help their old bandmates get some more money.. :wof:
I wish someone would make a pill that would make me happy and not hate everyone.
Aw hope you get better soon, K-ma:hug: ....good thing I am still sick or I might have caught it off of you. :tongue:

OH MY GOSH!!!! I just heard....Genisis AND The Police are doing reunion tours. :claps: :claps:

Thank you -hubby got me some medicine and it is kicking butt!!!!!
My head feels so much lighter - -it hurt last night to lay down - the pressure was horrible!

Genesis & the Police???????

*running to the bathroom to check for gray hairs*
I wish someone would make a pill that would make me happy and not hate everyone.

Aw, you don't hate everyone.....you just feel neglected cause everyone is hugging Preco....well here ya go big guy...just for you! :hug:
*running to the bathroom to check for gray hairs*
You can hush too....I'll excuse that cause you are medicated. :tongue: :tongue:
I grew up listening to them and I stilllike them. :eviltongue: ...so there! ;)
I wish someone would make a pill that would make me happy and not hate everyone.

Wrong thread....but I'll corrupt your wish anyway :p

Wish granted but you choke and die on the pill! :eviltongue:
Why are people on Ebay so petty about feedback. I gave this person neutral feedback and then she gave me negative feedback for no reason!
So I am shopping online this morning to buy hubby some more undershirts. I am looking at your basic crewneck, v-neck, ribbed and tanktops. Then I stumble onto this:


and then colors:

They also have blue/green and red/blue

:convinced: Ummmmmmmmm................does anybody else think that this looks strange......like uhhhhh, I dont know......
So I am shopping online this morning to buy hubby some more undershirts. I am looking at your basic crewneck, v-neck, ribbed and tanktops. Then I stumble onto this:


and then colors:

They also have blue/green and red/blue

:convinced: Ummmmmmmmm................does anybody else think that this looks strange......like uhhhhh, I dont know......
I prefer the all white. Can you send him over here so I may check the quality of the material?:05:
it obviously doesnt bother you two that his shirt looks like a top of a dress


envision it in red satin and he is off to the prom!
it obviously doesnt bother you two that his shirt looks like a top of a dress


envision it in red satin and he is off to the prom!

Ahem...my envisioning doesn't include the shirt :p

Ahem...my envisioning doesn't include the shirt :p


:o you are so bad :o

Ok we have lost Preco & Kalina for awhile - does anybody think the shirt looks like the top of a dress? How about it guys - what do you think?
The shirt probably would look better on a female and he would look even better with out it

:bigok: :teeth:
The shirt probably would look better on a female and he would look even better with out it

:bigok: :teeth:

Kalina....it'll be a while, you should take some vitamins.....:05:

P.S. I'm sending over the shirt for you....;)
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