Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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oh Babs - she is adorable - I want puppy kisses!!!!!!!
:love: :love: :love:
The high today is 68 and it's 71 :convinced: , but on the other hand it's 71!!! :amen: :dancing: :woot:
And now Mr. Smarta$$, you will NEVER get any! :tongue:

You guys are so cute! :proud:

That'a girl Babs - rule that roost baby!! :bigok:
:secret: Puppies eat their poop, that's 'puppy breath'....:doh: you just had to make me say it...:doh:

You would know this - your daughter has Barbie & Tanner the dog-treat-eating-pooper. :teeth:
When is this freakin' holiday over already????? I'm just so over this shamrock green....:mad:
Is our man Dan on the road again? :secret:Or did the squirrel finally lose it and shoot something up?
Having a new puppy is GREAT, however, I NEED sleep!!!:verysad:
I would just like to give a shout out to the makers of the Mr Clean Magic Eraser AND Crayola for their Washable Crayons!


geesh :rolleyes:

Congrats on your 100th post Sharon!!!!!

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