#22 North
#23 spurs
#24 Poker chips
#22 North
#23 spurs
#24 Poker chips
Here is a link to a poem by the same name as the song: Cowboy Poetry - Old Chisholm Trail - Cowboy Poems
This has the exact wording as the clue. I agree with everyone that the trail runs north but near the end of this poem he's heading home(south). Your thoughts please.
found the same things... very glad for online stores.. lol The slang reference I found for #23 said guns.. didn't fit.. so I clicked the stores selling spurs.
Didn't get very far on 25. .. figure if can determine the prison the initials stand for can do a search w/ that..
Eva_Marie.. Ouch.. hoping you get high points the rest of the weeks to make up for it. To bad you can't suspend team member huh..
As far as #23, what about rifle?
Cowboy.. I think North.. going up the trail.. one of the lines of lyrics in the clue refers to being thrown by the 2-U herd. That would mean the cattle are still present. The clue doesn't include any of the last of the poem, so I wouldn't include that..
Eva_Marie.. I thought of that about 5 this am.. want to do somemore checking.. where the prisoners [doing hard time] come in.
You are doing a lot better than me I can't even understand what he is singing. Hope you don't mind if I go along with you guys on this one. I can understand some words but for the life of me no matter how many times I listen I can't figure it out.
As far as #23, what about rifle?