CONTACT FREECYCLE.ORG and ask to set one up for your area and then advertize it on Craigslist and local bulliton boards, schools and churches of course you would have to be a moderator but you could appoint others as well and would not have to be to strict in the beginning. You should look into it. They grow fast once the word gets out.
In yahoo groups they have sites called freecycles. You can give away things for free or receive things. The only rule they have is that you don't sell anything that you have received. Go to yahoo groups and in the search box type freecycle and the area that you live in and if there is something close by it will show you. Then you request to join. We're all looking for free things so I thought this might be of interest to most of us.
I'm the moderator for our local Freecycle group. Unfortunately, we don't have alot of activity. I have managed to give away a few things, but I haven't received anything yet.
Our freecycle is constantly busy. People giving away everything from clothes, TVs, blenders, and even cats! I've given away candles, candle holders, a Power Wheels Lil Quad, a Lil Tikes toy slide, etc. I definitely recommend the site to anyone who hasn't tried it yet. Thanks for the post, Jolida!
I love our local freecycle groups! I have managed to clean out our garage, and got rid of several dozen flowerpots that have managed to multiply in the depths of my garage!
I like our area Freecycles, but especially the one in my home town. They have started a Freecycle Cafe where people can talk about garage sales, handyman jobs, sell things really cheap, parents group info, etc. I think the cafe was an excellent idea. Everyone might check their local groups and see if you have one. If not, ask about starting it.
Thank you for this post! I signed up for my local one, and just got a lawnmower the other day. It wasn't running, but, my hubby fixed it! Now, I am going to post a few things. Great thing!
Hi all, I am a newer member here at spoofee and I am a moderator for our local freecycle. Just wanted to let you guys know that it is an awesome site. I have seen cars given away (usable,running cars), clothes, toys you name it and they give it away...It is truely a blessing, once you join, to have it. Not only do people give things away (no strings attached) but you can also post wants..if you are in need of something!! All you have to do is go to the main page and find your local area and join..if you have any questions feel free to ask the owner/moderator of that group most I have found to be very nice and helpful. Hope you all have a blast with the site Becky
if you are looking for free things you can go to yahoo groups and do a search for your local town ....... Many people have gotten fed up with freecycle and have made swap groups of their own ...
I'm almost to that point too. It seems like whenever I'm offering, asking, or getting something, it's always a pain. I'm like "Fine, I'll just throw it away..."
I fully believe in Freecycle, have Freecycled many things, and even got a couple. The only thing that frustrates me is that sometimes I just want to say : It's okay to throw some things away. Some things should be thrown away, and that's just fine.