Free Make Marijuana Legal Sticker

lol you're preception of "high" must be from the cheech and chong movies... it's not really like that.

if it's working, he's "high" buddy :)

no, my definition of high is impaired. the biggest advantage is the presure on his eyes, somthing about the relaxing of blood vessels or somthing.
no, my definition of high is impaired. the biggest advantage is the presure on his eyes, somthing about the relaxing of blood vessels or somthing.

why are you saying no? you're basically agreeing with what i just said.

You're just brainwashed into thinking being high equates to being impaired.

There's use, and then there'a abuse.

Drink too much water and it's a problem too...
Interesting marijuana/hemp facts:

-both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew marijuana on their plantations

-its first recorded use for medicinal purposes was 2727 B.C.

-hemp was once considered legal tender in the U.S.

-14.6 million Americans smoke pot on a regular basis

-the declaration of independence was written on hemp paper

-In Oregon you can't buy or sell marijuana but you can smoke the drug on your own property!

The reason marijuana is illegal is because in the 30's cotton growers lobbied against hemp farmers. They thought that the hemp growing would just be competition for them. However, the
argument has become the fact that marijuana is not as addictive as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

More than 400,000 Americans die from diseases related to cigarette smoking each year.

More than 150,000 Americans die of alcohol abuse each year.

But in more than 10,000 years of usage, no one has ever died from marijuana!!!

I am not going to take issue with your support for legalizing pot BUT I will take issue with your point that no one has ever died from marijuana. Pot causes the same lung diseases that are caused by tobacco. That certainly doesn't mean that cigarettes should be legal and pot illegal but you need to have all of your facts correct or people will attack your conclusions.
The US Drug Czar said that as far as he knows nobody has every died from smoking weed, and he also said that somebody would have to smoke a pound and a half in a hour in order to OD on weed.But look at all the thousands of people that die every years from smoking Cig's.The law in back words just because of the money isues involved.:ohwell:

Tobacco and pot cause the exact same lung diseases. Your point is wrong. That doesn't mean that one should be legal and the other illegal but get your facts straight.
I'm sure I'm going to get alot of flack for saying this but I am sure that many people who do smoke marijuana can go their whole lives and not have any problems whatsoever with it and not move on to using harder drugs. But almost everyone I have known thru my 47 years who does use harder drugs always started out with marijuana. Family members included.

It's an interesting point but I think we may be confusing correlation and causation. Is it the pot itself that leads to harder drugs or is it because the source of the pot is also the source for harder drugs? In other words, if you run with a crowd that ONLY has access to pot I would argue that you will probably never switch to harder drugs BUT if you run with a crowd that does meth, pot, cocaine, heroin and ecstasy you can pretty much "start" with any of them and end up using some or all of the others.

The reason this is relevent is that if a state like CA were to legalize pot (and the Federal government avoided stepping into the breach by prosecuting nickel and dime transactions) I doubt that buying a pack of joints at Walgreen's would lead to shooting up on heroin.
I love this thread!!! Way back when, a friend and I were total stoners...we were out running errands one day and she realized her drivers license was about to expire...I told her we could stop by the dmv and get it over with and she said we had to go get high first ...I was looking at her like she was a nut and she sighed and explained to me that if she was high in her DL pic and she got pulled over and she was high then the cop wouldnt think she was stoned, it was just the way she looked...I was "Whoa! Dude!!"
Stole that idea, I did, and over the course of years I have had at least 2 DL pics taken while i was stoned...Its very rare if I smoke now so i dont worry about it but I just remember thinking she was the smartest stoner EVER!!
I am not going to take issue with your support for legalizing pot BUT I will take issue with your point that no one has ever died from marijuana. Pot causes the same lung diseases that are caused by tobacco. That certainly doesn't mean that cigarettes should be legal and pot illegal but you need to have all of your facts correct or people will attack your conclusions.

Marijuana Smoking Doesn't Kill
Illegal Herb Not Harmless, but Data Show No Link to Death
By Daniel J. DeNoon

It's been feared that marijuana smoke, like tobacco smoke, causes cancer and heart disease. The evidence argues otherwise, writes Stephen Sidney, MD, associate director for research for Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, Calif.

"Although the use of [marijuana] is not harmless, the current knowledge base does not support the assertion that it has any notable adverse public health impact in relation to mortality," Sidney concludes.

No Marijuana Deaths in 2 Large Studies

Sidney points to two large studies. The first is from California. A large HMO looked at 65,177 men and women age 15-49. Over 10 years, marijuana users died no sooner than nonusers.

The second study looked at 45,450 Swedish army conscripts. They were 18-20 years old when asked about marijuana use. Fifteen years later, the marijuana users were just as likely to remain alive as nonusers.

And since marijuana smoking can't kill outright -- there's no such thing as a fatal marijuana overdose -- short-term use isn't deadly. Long-term use can't be good for you. But Sidney notes that most marijuana smokers don't become long-term users.

One worry about marijuana smoke is that it is inhaled, and held, deep in the lungs. But the typical user smokes only one marijuana cigarette -- or less -- a day. Tobacco users often smoke 20 or more cigarettes daily. Moreover, tobacco contains nicotine, a highly addictive substance. Marijuana, Sidney concludes, is less likely to harm than tobacco.

A 2001 study suggested that marijuana smoking increases the risk of heart attack in the hour immediately after smoking. But this seems to be the case in no more than one-fifth of 1% of heart attacks -- a very rare risk indeed.

SOURCE: Sidney, S. The British Medical Journal, Sept. 20, 2003; vol 327: pp 635-636.
i have read everyone's posts. it seems like there are very few hard facts and even fewer studies posted. the only studies in the US are government run and if your results favor MJ you are automatically barred from future funding. There are may benifits to this plant, but that being said it is addictive and it is harmful in the long run. Yet for those people who have an illness that will kill them anyway. why not allow them this freedom? I also feel that it should be legal as long as tobacco is legal.
And, c' one person who has died from smoking a plant.

Just about everyone has heard, "Don't Drink and Drive" and "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk." But not as many realize that there are many dangers associated with getting behind the wheel of a car (or bus, train, or plane) while high on marijuana.

Pot use impairs one's ability to reason and make decisions, and slows reaction time. In addition, motor skills and visual tracking ability are diminished. Studies have shown that smoking just one marijuana joint reduces reaction time by 41 percent, while two joints reduces it by 63 percent. In 2001, almost 40,000 high school seniors in the United States reported that they got into car accidents while driving high. In another study, 33 percent of people pulled over for reckless driving tested positive for mariiuana use. Driving while high may also not be safe because users usually feel a bit tired and have difficulty concentrating after smoking. Sometimes people experience anxiety and/or visual, perception, and time distortions, none of which would help with navigating a vehicle on a road, or even in the driveway. Also, pot impairs memory formation, so if someone is given directions of where to drive while high, there's a chance that s/he won't quite remember how to get from point A to point B once the trip has begun.

Keep in mind that many other drugs — whether they be legal or not, recreational or prescription — affect cognition and motor skills. In fact, 18 percent of deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents are due to drug use (which does not include alcohol). To ride the road to safety, you should avoid operating heavy machinery (cars, tractors, amusement park rides, etc.) until you've checked into the effects of a drug you're taking on your ability to think straight and move smoothly.
Were you referring to the pot smoker driving who has the air bag or the person they hit?

Smoking pot is harder to detect than drinking.......but just as deadly if not more.
Were you referring to the pot smoker driving who has the air bag or the person they hit?

Smoking pot is harder to detect than drinking.......but just as deadly if not more.

Seriously??? You are kidding right?? POT could be "just as deadly if not more" than DRINKING?? statement in this thread so far!!
Seriously......I've been is a drug....
The "War On Drugs"' is long lost. The fed's, etc.. created the problem & know it. The dealers don't want it legal. No one ever died from pot, I've never seen anyone harm another while high & it would get me off half the LEGAL drugs I take. Putting people in jail, taking their homes, cars, & kids for having or growing it for their own use is crazy. It does make some people rich, private jails, dealers, payoff's, money to the enforcers, etc.. But they would tax it if legal.

Don't know about putting it on my car though.
Seriously......I've been is a drug....

You just want to argue...there are so many more things wrong with drinking than there are with smoking pot...If you are really serious, then WOW...just wow...I quit now...I got better things to do than trying to have you committed...
You just want to argue...there are so many more things wrong with drinking than there are with smoking pot...If you are really serious, then WOW...just wow...I quit now...I got better things to do than trying to have you committed...

No arguing, we weren't talking about drinking nor was I comparing it to alcohol (other than detection). Pot is a drug, it affects the senses and judgement. Period.

Be happy in your bubble ....:noidea:
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No arguing, we weren't talking about drinking nor was I comparing it to alcohol. Pot is a drug, it affects the senses and judgement. Period.

Be happy in your bubble ....:noidea:

I think thats the problem.....I am...

happy that is... bubble got popped long ago, after 20 years of bartending I think I have some first hand knowledge when it comes to drugs and alcohol...

guess we have all seen the same things just from different is much nicer when you walk around and look at all the angles instead of judging from one side bubble got popped long ago, after 20 years of bartending I think I have some first hand knowledge when it comes to drugs and alcohol...

guess we have all seen the same things just from different angles...

Yup, different angles...but you don't corner the market on 'first hand knowledge'......I didn't serve them, I took them to the hospitals or morgues....

And you are correct, life is much nicer when not dealing with reality.

BTW Who is judging? Just stating facts. MJ is a drug.
never said i cornered the market...just pointing out the fact that you have only seen it from your side so it must be right...good for you!!!!

Yes its a natural earth grown drug...where do alot of legal drugs come from? Plants?

seems like you would have more appreciation for a drug that is all natural than the ones that are man made...IMHO your only problem is it isn't legal, for all the wrong reasons i might add...

you have a good day...i am done with this thread, my head hurts from your brick wall...
never said i cornered the market...just pointing out the fact that you have only seen it from your side so it must be right...good for you!!!!

Yes its a natural earth grown drug...where do alot of legal drugs come from? Plants?

seems like you would have more appreciation for a drug that is all natural than the ones that are man made...IMHO your only problem is it isn't legal, for all the wrong reasons i might add...

you have a good day...i am done with this thread, my head hurts from your brick wall...

Then you agree that it is a drug :yesnod: and should be treated as a drug and not a recreational item.

Prescription it, fine....sell it at the 'convenience mart', no.