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The Goodword.. I'll go by the study of use & seeing it grown. What is being grown today is nothing like what was grown when I was a teenager. It just isn't. Back then buds were the size of a pencil eraser if you were lucky & you were lucky to get a couple, now that size is considered garbage & is thrown away with the stalks. Growers have been selectively pollinating & hybrid' for years just to get the thc levels & bud size up. It's why KY rivals Hawaii now...

There are still no scientific studies (just a common acceptance) that what is grown today is stronger than decades ago. It could be argued that there is just more availability of strong weed now than decades ago.
Problem is mis-reading posts not mis-information. 1 post said it was stronger making overdose a possibility now.. 1 post said no it wasn't.. rest of posts on strength just said yes it was stronger, not that it is a problem. That's why my post mentioned it would only take a small amount.
As for the Super Heated smoke Spaz is right, it does do damage that is just medical truth not opinion, but there are only a few medical conditions that make eating it a less viable ingestion method than smoking.

Goodword.. there are a lot of poisonous plants that would kill you the first time you smoked them. There will be people that will be at risk of pot doing the same thing from an allergic reaction; but there is that risk with everything.

Name one plant that would kill you the first time you smoked it. After a google search, I could not find a one. If you are going to speak your truth, cite sources. Until then, it is just fictional squalk. If you know of a plant, then educate us instead of making hollow claims.
Actually my best friend in hs came pretty darn close to dying after smoking a joint. We still had some of it which was tested - it was not laced with anything. It may not cause death by overdose, but it can kill you.

As far as pot being's not just a government study. The super weed, kind buds, etc are a lot stronger with up to 10x the THC than there was 20 years ago. I used to smoke my share (and probably a couple of otherpeoples too) but a lot of what people who smoke it say just simpy isn't true. Believe me, I'm all for making it legal too but you have to look at the facts from both sides. I'm actually for legalizing a lot of things and wrote an award winning paper on the subject a few years ago.

My guess is that high quality pot was around back in the day, just not as available as today. Neither my point nor yours can be proven though without scientific studies (of which there are none out there). As for your friend, his/her pot likely was laced, or there was something else beside the pot to take into account. Who tested the pot and where? Saying pot killed someone is fairly far fetched.