Free Goods from Walmart

They have a new event posted:

Simply put, ACTIVE NATURALS® are ingredients derived from nature and uniquely formulated by AVEENO® to optimize skin's health and beauty. AVEENO® has unlocked the true potential of nature's skin-enhancing secrets, like soy and oatmeal, with patented processes that retain their full strength and purity. Gentle, effective, clinically proven AVEENO®. Recommended by dermatologists for 60 years.

AVEENO® is the leader in ACTIVE NATURALS® technology today and will continue to develop innovative technologies around natural ingredients well into the future.

Visit the Aveeno Event Feb 9-10 at participating Wal-Mart Stores. Find a location and time near you:
I got my Tide a few days ago, and my Curves cereal today!
Sample of Friskies cat food now up-
Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.
I received the his & her samples of Intimately Beckham today, haven't had a chance to smell it yet though. :)
Sample of Friskies cat food now up-
Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.

Thanks Sylverrain... but they're already gone.

Wal-Mart must be putting out limited amounts of freebies, seems like the samples are gone as soon as they're up now.
I'll be glowing in no time, ordered a glowing lotion. Thanks