Free Goods from Walmart

I couldn't get the link to work for the Glad bags either ... I will try Internet Explorer later too.
Yeah, they added a new one. :teeth:

GLAD Microwave Steaming Bags
Enjoy steamed veggies without the mess.
:theyareon lol I go to the walmart sample site and nothing is there but with these links I can get samples. What they don't like me or something:questionmark: Thank you all for the links
:theyareon lol I go to the walmart sample site and nothing is there but with these links I can get samples. What they don't like me or something:questionmark: Thank you all for the links

Click on "in stores now" top right corner- it will open up and then you'll see "free samples" click on that and you should be able to access all the current freebies. Hope that helps.