Free Goods from Walmart

I just recieved the Purex laundry detergent & fabric softener. :)
Thanks for the newest posts! :yo: I don't remember Walmart ever having perfume samples before. :convinced: I hope it is a good size because we all know that Wally has been a good friend to us!! :)
Thanks for the post. I hope this isnt a puny postcard sample.
Thanks for the post. I hope this isnt a puny postcard sample.

I never send for these because that's the only thing I've ever heard about. Are there times when they send an actual vial like they give you in dept. stores? Or a little bottle? I'm guessing it's mostly postcards, right?
I never send for these because that's the only thing I've ever heard about. Are there times when they send an actual vial like they give you in dept. stores? Or a little bottle? I'm guessing it's mostly postcards, right?

I hate those postcards, too. I've received a few small vials, but not many. Sometimes WM has good samples, but they've also sent out lipstick and foundation samples on a card.....:convinced:
Thanks for the newest posts! :yo: I don't remember Walmart ever having perfume samples before. :convinced: I hope it is a good size because we all know that Wally has been a good friend to us!! :)
My hubby will laugh when I tell him that. They're great for freebies, just not to work for!:tongue:
I want to know how you did what you just did--responded to two posts at once. I usually just hit "Quote" and of course, can only respond to that one item. How do you do two at once? You can PM me if you have time some time to explain how to do it. Thanks.
I never send for these because that's the only thing I've ever heard about. Are there times when they send an actual vial like they give you in dept. stores? Or a little bottle? I'm guessing it's mostly postcards, right?

I don't think they're allowed to send vials anymore. At least not via US Mail. Now there are all kinds of rules against mailing anything "liquid, flammable, or potentially hazardous."
I recieved the L'Oreal nutri gloss shampoo, conditioner, & conditioning treatment. :)
How to Multi Quote

I want to know how you did what you just did--responded to two posts at once. I usually just hit "Quote" and of course, can only respond to that one item. How do you do two at once? You can PM me if you have time some time to explain how to do it. Thanks.

HI Pat!
I answered this question for you on another thread. Now I dont remember which one. (Just cleaned up garage sale, did pretty well for a couple hot hours)
OK. You click on the icon with the + sign. Its to the right of the quote one, bottom right of post. You click that for each post you want to quote. First one clicked will be on top and next one will appear second, and so on. Then, you go to the bottom of the page and on the left, click "post reply". You then will get the screen up with the box to reply and it will have the quotes in it. You type in your reply and from then on its the same. (click preview or submit)
Happy Multi quoting!!!

ps. ah hah! I went to bed at 2:30 just before you posted in this thread and replied to me in the Allure thread! Hope you got it to work for ya.
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I don't think they're allowed to send vials anymore. At least not via US Mail. Now there are all kinds of rules against mailing anything "liquid, flammable, or potentially hazardous."

Isn't paper flammable? :doh: