Free Goods from Walmart

Got one "Start making choices"kit (popcorn and same good coupons)today!
Here is a NEW one!!

The Start Making Choices Welcome Kit Your includes a sample of Orville Redenbacher's Natural Gourmet Popping Corn in the new Lime and Salt flavor, plus coupons for: Hunt's Tomatoes, Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers, Healthy Choice Café Steamers, and Orville Redenbacher's Natural Gourmet Popping Corn.

•If you get an error try a different browser.
•If you get promotion over, you need to sign-in.

Logged in and promotion is still over.:nonod:

I just signed up for this and it worked for me.
Got the Cottonelle 10 wipes pack and Garnier Nutritioniste sample today!
Today's WalMart goodies- PUR shopping list pad and Kotex thin samples!:)
If this is a repost please tell my where you found so I will know next time. I did a search for Viva, Paper towels, Walmart (I did find free Bounty) etc. Maybe thats what your referring to (Bounty). Thanks!
Ok so there is a seperate search area for walmart. I was looking in main search.
nope just check the walmart thread (its a sticky one at the top of the freebie list) for walmart related goodies