Free Goods from Walmart

Walmart always has such great freebies. Just signed up for the Folgers one. I love free coffee!
I appreciate everyone who posts the individual links for the wal-mart freebies. I have a slow conncection and The sample page doesn't load well for me anymore. Thanks a lot! :)
Thanks Hilly! I love recipes made with Karo even though they are SOOOO bad for you!
got 4 little packs of Chest toothpaste w/ diffferent favor
3 packs of jergens lotions w/ different ingredents... the size is small!!:mmph:
got my sons nicorette today, it's gonna kill me til i get him to stop smoking. (21 and knows everything, navy too.)
Got the nicorette too a couple days ago. Tried it cuz the old gum was soooooo nasty I couldn't stand it but this is good. The dr gave me a script for a stop smoking pill umm lol starts with a C but will have to wait until Jan. to get it filled as our flex card is used up and insurance won't pay for it. That is so ridiculous what would be cheaper paying for a stop smoking aid or cancer of the lung? Idiots LOL
Chantex.. I know I tried it and so did my husband .. it didn't do a thing for him.. for me it worked a little bit but w/in a week was back to smoking! Hopefully u got a starter kit from your Dr that gives you about $10.00 or so off your first Rx.. it's not cheap..when we did this back several months ago w/ the $10.00 and a discount from CVS cost about $90.00