Free Goods from Walmart

I received the Biore' skin boosting night serum & daily scrub today. :bigok:
When did they start free music downloads?

Build your playlists without breaking the bank. With a new free song every week, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to explore the latest bands, reconnect with some old favorites and expand your collection — without investing a cent.

This week’s free song: From First to Last – Worlds Away
I received the Biore' skin boosting night serum & daily scrub today. :bigok:

LOL I rec'd mine in the last week or so but I'm not sure when. It snuck into my house and I just came across it last night wondering "WTH? Where'd this come from?" as I always open my walmart (and other) freebies as soon as I get them. This one slipped by me. :p
if you look on the walmart site it is not on there.