Free Goods from Walmart

awesome! thanks so much, i have a friend about to have twins so the swadlers will definately be used!!!
Thanks! I sent the diapers to my sister in law. I'm sure she'll be suprized to get diapers in the mail!
Thank you!

Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox

thanks mainebear :)
I am having the same problem with the free sample button- never had this before????
DOGFOOD! I just got a husky puppy so I'll be needing alot of dogfood:dog:
Me too, except it has never happened before. Cannot get the Naturals dog food sample button to work, I switched browsers and got the same thing. Weird.
I got three packets of the Crest Nature's Expressions today in Pure Peppermint Fresh, Citrus Clean Mint, and Mint+Green Tea Extract. :bigok:
I got three packets of the Crest Nature's Expressions today in Pure Peppermint Fresh, Citrus Clean Mint, and Mint+Green Tea Extract. :bigok:

I got this too. The green tea was gross, but the others were good.:)
I got the link for the maxximum nutrition dog food to work. Scroll your mouse over the bottom of the free sample button. It's almost like it's invisible! The left side is for dog food, and the right side is for cat food. Your cursor should turn into a hand when you scroll over it. If my instructions even make sense.....