Feel free to complain about FHM magazine being obscene or whatever you think it is

CozKramer said:
Anyone who thinks being Gay or Lesbian is a "choice" needs a lesson in common sense.. Remember that lil group called the Nazi's? Don't you think the Jews would have loved 'not' being Jews during Hitlers reign? I didn't think so.. So if it was a choice, don't you think ppl would be straight? Also, anyone who believes the Nazi's didn't exist, and that whole thing never happened, needs their brain shredded...

I'd love it if you made that statement in front of a Jew. Or a Black person, or anybody else who is part of a group often characterized as a whole by a fundamental genetic or hereditary component (Race, Color, Nationality, Sex). Just because I'm white doesn't mean I'm stupid.

I've looked through that first statement in this quote and for the life of me, I can't find an argument. Define "common sense" and we may have something to discuss on this one.

And the whole bit about the Nazi's? Who is denying the reality of what they said and did? Certainly not me. I believe, and I've said it before, that for all we do know about what they did, there are probably still hundreds more horrors they committed that we have no knowledge of. Deny the reality of the holocaust? I agree, such a person would seriously need a cranial rearrangement or two, or three...

I agree that many Jews probably wondered why they had been born Jews, why people hated them. After all, what had they done to deserve the holocaust? Of course the answer is nothing. Do I think that has any bearing on our argument? Of course not. In fact, I believe in an earlier post I defined my specific position on the matter very succintly:

music2myear said:
I don't know very many homosexual people, the ones I do and generally nice people. I have nothing against them. I don't believe that sexual sins are any worse than any other kind of sin, like some may believe. Christ teaches that all sins have done the same thing to us: moved us away from Him. Therefore all sins are equally bad. Because of this I cannot condemn any homosexual for being in that lifestyle. I can, however, condemn this sin as I can any other.

Just as I want to stop abortion while providing support and alternatives (adoption) to women who cannot care for their children. Just as I can rant against porn (as some of you may know ) while knowing that lots of people (including myself) struggle with sexual temptation and being a supportive friend to others with similar desires. Just as.... you get the point. I can be against homosexual acts and acceptance while realizing those are real people with real needs who need real solutions from real friends, not condemning fire-and-brimstone hell-raisers.

Now then, you wonder why it is that Homosexuals would choose to be that way especially in the face of such bitter opposition? I ask you, where is the opposition? Homosexuals enjoy more freedom and acceptance today than ever before. In fact, in many places (such as the state of California) they enjoy greater freedom and power than normal citizens. Homosexuals can ask for a job at a church and if refused for any reason can sue for discrimination. Name me another group which enjoys similar protection.

So honestly, I don't see where your argument is, Mr. CozKramer. Though I did take quite a while to get there...
I know I'm tired today but Coz did you find that as painful to read as I did? You could just hear minds closing every where.
OHH The Pain!!!!! And here I just walked in from a trip and this is my welcome package.. Where's my booze....

I'm gonna try this once more, but that's it.. Don't expect anything further from me until you grow some common sense and an open mind.. Oh yea, and learn to read what's written...

I've looked through that first statement in this quote and for the life of me, I can't find an argument.

Perhaps because there is no argument there.. It's a factual statement and comparison.. If you could read it right, with some common sense, you would have gotten it..

I ask you, where is the opposition?

Look in the mirror...

Homosexuals enjoy more freedom and acceptance today than ever before.

If that was true, we wouldn't be having this conversation, now would we...

You're also forgetting the fact that homosexuality has been around since the 40's and earlier, it was just never spoken about. Much the same as divorce or female inventors for that matter.. Ladies have always gotten the bum end of the stick for many decades, and now that they speak out, you can't accept it or them.. But if you never knew they were lesbian, you would have no objections towards them. But now because they want to be heard and share equal rights as straight ppl, you ppl protest... let alone with that idiotic book labeled the bible as your basis for facts and fuzzy logic...

they enjoy greater freedom and power than normal citizens.

In the words of Mr. Carlin, this one is just plain Bull$hit.. They have to fight to get anything, and fight they should! You're comparing perfectly normal healthy ladies to ppl who may have a physical or mental disability. Then you throw in that bs skin color crap.. If I took what you said to be factual, I should walk into a church, demand a job and when rejected, sue because I'm an atheist. Yea, I wanna see the lawyer and judge who'll try that case...

Name me another group which enjoys similar protection.

Another group? How about everyone in this country... You seem to be forgetting the fact that the laws state a person cannot be turned down due to phycial or mental disabilities, color, creed, age, sex, race, religion or ethnicity.. That prettymuch covers everyone in this country.. The problem.... Oh here's one you'd also say is untrue.. Older females have a harder time finding jobs that will hire them.. Oh wait.. That's two counts of discrimination.. Age and Sex... This has been proven Many times over... Even if the older lady is more qualified then the younger version.. But wait, because there's more.... If a company hires an older person, they're more likely to draw state and or federal income at age 65 as well as state/federal mandated company benifits.. I call that three strikes... What's wrong here? Nobody seems to do anything to change these discriminatory tactics.. So, again, females have to fight to get their viewpoint heard.. Now on those same terms, only talking about men.. The same doesn't seem to apply.. Why? Must be a mans world huh... I'm glad I'm one, but feel for the ladies that are out there.. Where was it that it talked about everyone being "equal".. Oh yea, that lil thing written by the founders of this country... Guess they're not good enough for some idiots out there who'd rather believe the bible to which states you should stone bad children but also to honor and love thy mother and father.. You guys sure harp on the love and honor BS, but seem to overlook the stoning part..

It's late, I'm tired.. Both phycially, mentally and also of trying to knock any semblance of sense into some of you... You're minds must be like a steel trap, one that's closed, sealed and locked permanently... ugh..
Cedar, Coz - forget it... You can't convince someone whose fundamental assumption is that homosexuality is a sin. Until this underlying thought pattern is changed, any other argument is useless. Music, you strike me as a nice person - you really do. Your post shows that you do not harbor ill will towards any group. But I have to ask... why are you so convinced that homosexuality is a sin? Is it simply because the Bible says it's so? Or is this a conclusion after personal thought and reflection on the topic? I'm not being facetious - I really am curious.
When you get a wife have her come talk to us LOL

Chivalry is in the movies, I don't know what women you talk to but it sounds like women who don't respect themselves or have good JOBS. FHM is just magazine you don't know what soft or hard porn this is reality you see more on TV and the movies then in these magazines.

I have a wife now. :like:

Just found this old comment thread and thought I'd drop a line in it's long forgotten cobwebs.

Cedar, I would submit that it is women who don't respect themselves who feel they need or want to expose or reveal themselves to people in general.

And yes, I know what soft and hard porn are. I did back then and I do now. I'm not some wilted 'shroom crawling from beneath a stone. Both are demeaning to the producers and the consumers. Both damage the self-image of the 'models' and the perception of the consumers.
Ima female, n I love FHM!!! so watever, it all about personal preference!!!
I have a wife now. :like:

Just found this old comment thread and thought I'd drop a line in it's long forgotten cobwebs.

Cedar, I would submit that it is women who don't respect themselves who feel they need or want to expose or reveal themselves to people in general.

And yes, I know what soft and hard porn are. I did back then and I do now. I'm not some wilted 'shroom crawling from beneath a stone. Both are demeaning to the producers and the consumers. Both damage the self-image of the 'models' and the perception of the consumers.

I have an "issue: with this, r u sayin that I don't respect myself bcuz i "model",:convinced: r y serious,. i nude model for an artist n his class n i have high respect 4 myself, I Think it is entirely close minded of u to feel that way, but UR ENTITLED 2 UR OPINIONS JUS LIKE ME, HAVE A GR8 DAY:)
GEESH 6 pages arguing about this? I thought it was about a magazine! Boy the topic has swayed on this one!
I have an "issue: with this, r u sayin that I don't respect myself bcuz i "model",:convinced: r y serious,. i nude model for an artist n his class n i have high respect 4 myself, I Think it is entirely close minded of u to feel that way, but UR ENTITLED 2 UR OPINIONS JUS LIKE ME, HAVE A GR8 DAY:)

My head hurts.:(