(Expired) Free Rascak Flatts CD

Bummer!!!:ohwell: Thank you for clearing that up, MrsBrady!!!:claps:
The whole thing was a misunderstanding. A poorly worded page. What they were offering is when you buy their cd. I guess there was a url/ coupon inside the cd case that provided the link to the member's fan club. Somehow it got interpreted as a free cd.

Notice on the invoice:

That special was the free membership, not the cd, which supposedly we already had bought. I hope I am explaining things! :doh:

Oh, thanks so much for explaining it to me! I really wanted the cd though.

If I am not mistaken though, they asked for a t-shirt size (when joining the all access)? Was there a free t-shirt involved somewhere?
If I am not mistaken though, they asked for a t-shirt size (when joining the all access)? Was there a free t-shirt involved somewhere?

Good question, deadhorse!:) I also remember them asking for a t-shirt size, so that would lead one to believe we would get one!!:convinced: But, who knows?!:ohwell: :)
The t-shirt size was asked because if you upgrade to a certain level of membership then they will send it to you. It is only for paid membership. hth.
Maybe I am too tired today, but this doesn't make sense to me.
If the offer is for a Free Membership when you buy a CD... then how come we were all allowed to get a Free Membership without buying anyhing?
Also, we weren't asked to put in any codes -- or even a CD or song name...
:( no wonder I never got a free cd or tshirt... all Im getting now is emails reminding me it's time to reactivate my membership....
FYI, if you keep getting their 8000 emails about Rascal Flatts, you can unsubscribe pretty easily by following a link at the bottom of the email. I never hated Rascal Flatts until I kept getting multiple daily emails about what show they were going to be on, etc.
Rascal Flatts CD

I signed up for the Flatts fan club and never recieved anything just a reminder that my subscription is almost up
Never came :( All we get is emails and yesterday a phone message.