I don't think so. If they open an investigation (like they did for me years ago when all my rebates were getting stolen--cash in those days), it's their investigation. I finally got a letter telling me someone had been arrested for theft of mail (never got my rebates reimbursed from the PO, tho). I didn't even know the name of the person. It doesn't necessarily have to be the carrier--it could be further down the line. Anyway, this was over 30 years ago. But I remember how frustrating it was to send for stuff and then it never showed up. And the companies thought I was trying to collect twice when I'd tell them I never got something. I just sent them all the letter from the Postal Inspector explaining what had been happening. This went on for about a year after I had moved to my condo--and I took a list of about 90 things to the Postmaster to start the ball rolling.
Oh, I really am asleep--I just went to try to enter the candy thing--it's not Friday yet.