(Expired) Domino's - Free 1-Topping Medium Pizza - YMMV

I agree, I wondered why some people got their pizzas with no problems. It seemed like their Domino's knew what was going on. I had tried another location first and they weren't participating in it. I think this location just didn't know what was up. I think I will write corporate.
I live on east coast got mine my son lives west coast and they gave him the hacker story and would not give. I believe Dominoes sponsered this because we got a confirmation email but I think its some of the Franchises that don't want to honor it for whatever reason. I did write a long complaint to Dominoes that this is not my problem and if it was a computer hacker why did they not post on Dominoes site or email everyone not to ride and pickup the pizza. In any case I told my son to save the confirmation email he might need just in case of a class action.
I got my pizza with no problem it was ready for pick up at 5pm today...
Same thing here.. Chicago IL, ordered rounf 10 am, picked up at 5 no questions asked! :clap:

No problem here as well. Ordered around 7 am; picked up at 5:30 pm. Also got the Free Cinna Stix from the other post -- good freebie night at Dominos :-)
Arrived to pick up my pizza and they acted like they didn't receive my order. The employee searched through a few box piles before discussing the issue with another employee and they determined it my pizza was ready but didn't have a label. The employee then tried to charge me for the pizza. I told him it was supposed to be free. He asked for the coupon but I told him it was an online code and there was no "coupon".

He got his manager involved who told me that their website was hacked and they had canceled a lot of the orders but that mine "must have gotten through". He laughed and said, oh well, not my problem, and gave me the pizza. It was a determining moment for me if I would continue to buy pizza from them and they passed the test.

While looking back over my email it showed my order number as "#1". That seems unusual but I don't use their online ordering on a regular basis.

I hope the guy in NC didn't get those 60 pizzas. That is ridiculous. Hopefully the franchise location didn't make them before realizing what was going on.

Update #2: Spoke to a Domino's rep, who told me the free-pizza code was created internally for a promotion that was never actually green-lit. A customer happened to enter the code (Domino's has been heavily advertising their "bailout" promotion), told the world, and here we are. Apparently the company honored nearly 11,000 of the coupons before pulling the plug. Stay tuned: The Cheapskate is trying to arrange a consolation prize!

This was probably setup to parallel their "Big Taste Bailout" promotion that was advertised recently:
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I had my husband pick up the pizza at around 4...he said the guy asked him how he got it free, and that it was pretty suspicious, but he gave him the pizza anyway...so we got away with it lol
I had no problems this morning. I submitted the order at 11:30AM, and got my pizza just a few minutes later. When I went to pick it up the girl didn't question it - the printed label said "PAID" total due: $0.00

I'm glad I jumped on this one because I see it's invalid now. What's funny is that they offered this once before about two years ago so I didn't think much of it.

I was shocked to see the local Domino's is offering 1 topping large pizzas for $5.99 everyday! I'd still rather pay more for good pizza (since North Jersey has so much good pizza to choose from!)
got my pizza after work today...it was delicious and wonderfully free
At 4:45PM Mountain Standard Time, I went to the Domino's to pick up my free pizza. They rang it up at $9.61. I told them the on-line coupon code should have made it free. I got a 5 minute song and dance story about a hacker out of L.A. who was behind this fake on-line coupon code. The guy finally said, "Don't worry about it," and gave me the pizza. So this pizza was free except for the time: two minutes on Spoofee, four minutes on Domino's web-site, 5 minutes listening to the pizza dude's story, and another few minutes on Spoofee again.
Totally Domino's fault for not deactivating it. All Domino's corporate will do is reimburse the actual cost of the pies.
I got my pizzas picked up! That's right, pizzaS! I signed up for me and my husband to get one. We picked them up and had a delicious dinner and a good lunch today as well! :teeth:

CINCINNATI (AP) - The Domino's pizza chain has given away nearly 11,000 free pizzas because of a never-used promotion that a Web customer stumbled upon. Tim McIntyre, spokesman for Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Domino's, said Wednesday that the company had prepared an Internet coupon for an ad campaign that was considered in December but never activated.

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yeah i saw that the other day. kinda made me upset that my domino's wouldn't honor it and made up a bull story. but like i said before, their pizza sucks so it's hard to get too mad about missing out lol.