(Expired) Bestbuy Will Have Nintendo Wiis in Stock on 12/21/07

Pretty much you have to be there two hours early minimum if not more... i was one behind the person who got the last ticket. I was soooo pissed!!!
Best Buy in Salem, NH will have 200 on Sunday 12/23/07

I got a wii yesterday at Best Buy in Salem, NH. Not much of a line - got there at 6:15A and I was number 25 in line. I guess there were 50 in stock there. Then people drove by as we were waiting in the snow storm telling us there were a whole bunch at the toys r us with no line down the street, but I didn't want to take a chance... (Best Buy did not pass vouchers out until 15 min of opening at 8AM). I purchased mine, and then drove by the toys r us just to see, and there was no line with a whole bunch left (about another 30!). I purchased this one as a favor for my co-worker.

So... if you're in NH next Sunday 23, got get one at Best Buy (they will have 200 they said), and/or Toys R Us (I don't know if they will have for sure) and/or Walmart (they get shipments weekdays daily supposedly). Ton of stores on that Rt 28 strip that have wiis stocked occasionally! Plus, no tax! total: 249.99! :teeth:
I looked it up and it seems like BestBuy opens at 10:00am. What time should I get there?

this past saturday and sunday I sat outside BB from 11:30PM until 8AM the next morning.

I was number 7 in line. Folks in front had been there before the store even closed.

BB hands out vouchers about and hour prior to opening the doors. All Wii are held at the cash register.
BB and a few other stores were reportedly saving stock for this weekend. I bet people will be lining REAL early this weekend since it will be the absolute last chance to get one before Christmas. I did the stakeouts and early morning linup thing last Feb to get one and again in Aug to get one for my sister. However, my wife and I half jokingly talked about making the rounds again this weekend, not to get a wii but to go sing carols to people in line and hand out hot chocolate.
Is that the correct date? 12/21? This upcoming friday, looking at this thread it is a bit old...