i had to sign up on this site to let people kno the ordeal i went through this morning and had pulled an all nighter for this one. i went best buy (Pasadena, CA) at 6 am to line up and get one but the vouchers stopped at 56. This guy in front of me was willing to anything to get a Wii for his daughter and with the bad news after 55 vouchers were handed out, he left. I, on the other hand, left for circuity city hoping to cash in on it. There was a couple behind that was at best buy got to circuit city to wait and they handed out only 26 vouchers but there was this lady talkin' on her cell fone sayin' that the target (two story that is) on Lake and Colorado (again Pasadena, CA) had a 150 in stock! After the initial handouts of 26 vouchers, i high-tailed it to target and luckily everyone in line that was there got one (mind you, one per family). they were well organized and I'm happy to get one (oh yeah! target had about 120in stock which made everyone's day in line. moral of the story: find a target preferably a two floor target and pray that they have more in stock than BB or CC!