Discuss Past Months Allure Give-Aways Here

Once again, ...and the Oscar goes to...Kuxoanjl. (Loud Applause). I mean it this time--I think the only way I will become a true Allure-er is to move into your house and use your computer. And what the hell? You always get dups or triplicates. How many computers does it take to win a prize from Allure? (Sorry, there is no answer to that question--it has been asked for decades and no one has figured it out).
I am still waiting on the list they promised to send me out. I am going to call that person at Allure on Monday, and ask her about it.

Here's what will probably happen: The person you spoke to before will be gone, your call will go to voicemail and they will not return your call, OR you may be the one person on the planet who will get the list (NOT). The list will run to over 300 pages, and it simply will not be mailed. Maybe, just maybe, you can ask that person to attach it to an e-mail (that's how I got it last year, but I really think the person didn't realize what a Pandora's Box they were opening). I don't think they ever even print out these lists. Good Luck.
I got today small jar of Labbri lip treatment- from Allure.Just dont know from what month.
LOL, I just use one computer my sony laptop and its nothing special. Just lucky I guess maybe it has something to do with the fact my dog's name is Lucky? jk. Its really luck because there are times when I get nothing.
so far im like 1 for 200... don't think i'm gonna spend as much time again...although its gonna be mighty tempting :censored:
I received this in today's mail :) Mine was in the color Lush.

July 2: Kevyn Aucoin Beauty Prime Eye Color Crème Shadow
This click pen deposits opaque cream for mess-free eyes (win one of five colors). The first 500 Allure readers to sign up at noon EDT will receive one free.

I hope you all get something in tomorrow's mail :teeth:
I absotulely love Allure. Can't wait to try and get some products. Thanks
I just received my July Allure prize also. I used to win all the time at least once a month, but usually 2. Now, nothing. I worked my butt off for the August prizes and didn't win one single thing. Now, I just haven't been doing them.
My mom got a black one...haven't seen it...she was trying to describe it on the phone, and was having difficulty finding labelling on it??? Oh well, it's a prize
:bump2: :bump2: :bump2: :bump2: :bump2:
. . . :bump2: :bump2: :bump2: :bump2: :bump2:
Wednesday August 20
Bain de Terre Botaniceuticals Iron it Out Pomegranate Thermal Protector Spray (ARV $12) First 500 at 1 pm edt

Got this over the weekend Fed-Ex!! :)
If only I dont have class until 12:30 everyday :( the only time i can ever get these allure stuff is probably when i dont have class. so hopefully all our spoofeers will have better luck and get everything.
Good luck all.I do hope things go smoothly this time with this giveaway.:yesnod: