Change 1 Letter Word Game

See, I told you they cheat! :ohwell:


Preco: Got a response to "CHILDREN" (in English this time!) or did I just win again??!! Stop distracting people just when I'm about to win (like last time) :mmph: :mmph: :mmph: or I'm going to have to have a little talk with LS about you!!!!!!!! :rofl:


P.S. How's the husband enjoying his Penthouse gift subscription from the metal head?!! LOL
LS can't do squat unless he's got a moddy roddy....:p

even then....:05:

P.S. Sore loser....LOL
Is LS banned? I thought he was self-exiled.

P.S. You ducked the Penthouse question! LOL
Is LS banned? I thought he was self-exiled.

P.S. You ducked the Penthouse question! LOL

I think LS did a 'self ban'...LOL

No ducking, I don't think it started yet...:hmmmm2:
Seriously though, can you bring LS back?! It's dull around here w/out him. He reads and sends PM's, and that's about it, as far as I can tell. :(
But I won :first: (Sept. and Joyce said so!! Look through the posts), so the sore loser would!

I may be sore, but that's not the reason :eek:


Seriously though, can you bring LS back?!
That is not within my power, he's a big boy....;)

Is the game over?:ignore:
I think so, I'm not seeing any responses to the last word.

Anyone want to start a new word?

*this should get interesting LOL *

*whatcha worried about Choo?*