
does anyone know what we're going to get for the glade compaign? i'm really anxious to find out!! :teeth:
I actually try to do more than 3 for each bzzzz anyway. It doesn't just help them, it helps my point collection to! I am trying to save up for the xmas time, and maybe bdays. I have amost 10k points! Do you know what kind of gift cards I can get with that? Each bzz 50 points can really collect!

Go to and click on rewards on the top and you will get a list of all merchants and how many points you'll need you each gift card et $10, $25, $50 & $100. Also you'll need to order them by Sept to get them before x-mas, they're a little slow on shipping.
Just got an early invite for the cleaning products - I'm kinda excited about this one, since I used to use Scrubbing Bubbles and Windex all the time - but then switched to Simply Green (couldn't stand the fumes when I got pregnant). I hope they'll give us a coupon for a free bottle
I just got the early invite and signed up for the Afrin Pure Sea Spray campaign.
I just got the early invite and signed up for the Afrin Pure Sea Spray campaign.

For some reason I didn't get any e-mail about this, but I logged in after I read your post & got the campaign. Should B interesting. :lol:
Seraphshell, the Glade came's a small 3 wick candle & some coupons.
I was just offered the Diet Mountain Dew Campaign. Maybe they knew I'm trying to lose weight. LOL.
I would love to have gotten the Diet Mt. Dew campaign. That is all my DH drinks!! Oh well, I shouldn't complain, I have 5 going right now!!
Just got an Afrin campaign and the Diet Mt. Dew campaign!
I just checked my bzz and I have the afrin invite... Im just finishing up the orange juice one.....
I received the nasal spray invite also - now I'm up to 6 campaigns at this time!!!
me too!

Seraphshell, the Glade came's a small 3 wick candle & some coupons.
i got this yesterday. mine was pomegranate acai...was yours?
nice presentation with little gift cards to give out.

definitely a step up from the cholesterol & high blood pressure shots
they like to give to me.
Just signed up for the Diet Mt. Dew too :cocktail: