Ask LiveSquid

You makes more of a mess if you fill the balloons w/ shaving cream and water, but :secret: :ignore:
what a great idea! we make a great team;)

we could also take vaseline to put on the railings, it only takes a little but creeps people out. also sugar to pour on the ground next the the gas tank.
The better half. :tongue:

I'm just trying to grok this, so bear with me ...

If you're only half evil ...

and the half that is evil is the better half ...


... then the half that isn't evil is worse than evil?
yep...its sweet, nice, etc etc.

i prefer the evil half...which is just childish pranks but it won't hurt anyone or cause damage.
OH....puts the spiked bat, duct tape, gasoline, matches, napalm, knives, double edged swords, rope,Freddy Kreguer gloves, rat poison and stuffed teddy bear away. :creep:
OH....puts the spiked bat, duct tape, gasoline, matches, napalm, knives, double edged swords, rope,Freddy Kreguer gloves, rat poison and stuffed teddy bear away. :creep:

i know it's only a stuffed teddy bear, but please put it in a different area from the other stuff ...
Okay, okay. If you dont have a question, move along. No loitering.

Dear Mr. LiveSquid:

Could you please explain the derivation of the word "loiter."

Is it true the it comes from the the medical condition of a guy who's had inssuficient iodine, to the point that he's severely hypothyroid, and succumbs to myxedema, and can no longer move?
Hell I dont know. Heres the etymology of the word:

1362 (implied in loitering), from M.Du. loteren "be loose or erratic, shake, totter" like a loose tooth or a sail in a storm.

In modern Du., leuteren "to delay, linger, loiter over one's work." Probably cognate with O.E. lutian "lurk," and related to O.E. loddere "beggar," O.H.G. lotar "empty, vain," Ger. Lotterbube "vagabond, rascal," O.E. lyðre "base, bad, wicked."
Of the some 4,500 responses to the "this or that" thread, how many responses were something to the effect of "neither?"
what plant is the origin of "pumpernickel" flour? I've never heard of a pumpernickel plant.

Also, where can i get sissel seeds? It's a seed that looks like carroway, but a little smaller, and some of the Jewish bakeries in Cleveland made great sissel rye bread that I'd like to try to duplicate. But carroway just isn't the right flavor.
Pumpernickel is a type of German sourdough bread traditionally made with rye meal which is a coarse rye flour. Sissel seed is another matter entirely. If theres any one near you who makes it, I would try to buy some from them. Maybe if you have a Whole Foods market near by they would have it in their 'bulk' section.
I sure hope so. Cuz I got some people who are gonna get it one day for all the stuff they do!

But theres the underlying probability that its more of a self fulfilled prophecy kind of thing. You know, you believe good things are going to happen and thats what you see happen around you. If its true that our brain has potential to affect changes around us then maybe subconsciously we will these things to happen.

As with all spiritual beliefs its a matter of faith. Do you believe in Karma? That will determine if it is real for you.
do you cheat and google some of your answers or do you only answer what you truly know (or think)?
I google the really hard stuff, but most of it is in my noggin. Like when I was asked about the different particles and stuff, google.
Do you have a recipe for really good gluten free bread?
I've bought 4 or 5 different loafs from Whole Foods (which weren't that good) and tried the Gluten Free Pantry mix (which was awful!). I also tried someone's recipe from a forum that they liked and it still wasn't good.

also...I looked at your kitty was giving me dirty looks cause I "awwwed" too much. But your puppies are adorable!!