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  • Stopping by to say hi and that I wish you great success on your quitting them butts! You can do it, Taz. Give me a high five!
    02-21-2009 08:01 AM dbee

    Good morning :tee: I had to push you to 10,000 Congrats! :party:

    :doh: Now its 03-25-09 and look where you are :faint2:

    Reputation: 25023 :clap:

    Hey!! Apple wrote EXACTLY what i was gonna write...wooo dats spooky!!! I even got 49.95 sneakers!! someone hold me!!

    Taz, may I thank you personally for the great Prilosec post. I just ordered my $49.95 sneakers with free shipping courtesy of YOU! I truly appreciate all your efforts on Spoofee. I'd kiss ya but I don't really know you so I will just send a hug from the bottom of my new sneakers-and heart!:knuddel: Apple
    Good morning :tee: I had to push you to 10,000 :party: Congrats! :grouphug:
    Your not already on my friends list? We must have gotten lost in the shuffle somewhere!! Cause were friends now, time to change the avatar.....
    :hug:Thanks Taz for the thought.:rant: I seem to have the same problem when I want to rep someone special. :noidea:
    Hi angel48wings I really have not seen any problems. As for a contact number I am not sure. On one of the earlier pages (3 maybe) a rep for Facecard posted and left her email addie if that helps you.
    Taz is anyone else having a prob with that facecard mastercard offer you posted have you heard? I'm having a heck of a time comtacting them. The number on the card is only for problems if you have added money. Do you possibly have a contact number for the bank for Metabank? I cant seen to find a number for them either. Thanks for your help
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