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    :wave: I stopped by to let you know I was thinking about you :blushing:
    Was that last message for ME!!!!!!!!!! posted on your page???? I do that ALL the time. Wanted to thank you for pushing me over 50000 rep points with your last "hug"!:boogy:
    Hi all doing a bit better now. Buried my Dad just a little bit ago and getting all the loose ends tied up now.
    How are you doing today, Taz? Been thinking about you and the difficult few days ahead of you. Stay strong and know that your friends here have you in our prayers.
    I'm really sorry for your loss. It is really hard to lose a loved one and although there is nothing I can to to take away the pain you and your family are in my prayers. Hang in there.
    I am so very sorry for the loss of your Dad. I wish I wa able to ease your pain but will keep you and your family in my prauers hun
    Thank you to all of my friends who have PMd me and stopped by and left words of condolence:hug:
    How are you doing today, Taz? I hope you got some rest. I have been thinking about you and hope you are coping with all that is ahead of you these next few days. Apple:loving:
    thanks for the friendship request TAZ...Been reading all of the stuff about quitting smoking here . my husband is a lung cancer survivor who now is being told he has COPD too. keep up the fight, the short term need is easier to deal with than the the health issues down the road. Husband and i both quit so I know how hard it is.
    have a great weekend.
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