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  • Hi Sunny, Its been a while since we talked . just wanted to check on you. hope everything is well with you. Have a good holiday. :boogy:
    Hi sunny, i hope your migraines are not too severe that medicine can't cure. I have a friend who has headaches so much, her doctor started her on acupuncture. Anyway, i hope things are well for you.
    I saw where you at one time had a Burt's Bees bag for trade. I am looking for their product. I have a couple of things to trade. Is there something that interests you more than others?
    Hi Lady, I had not heard from you . hope everything is well with you.
    Hello, just wanted to let you know you should be getting the coupons for olay that i sent you any day now, also was wondering if it was you who had the redken fabricate thermal spray for trade? just love that stuff
    You OK? ... your little smiley dude says sick.. Just wanted to see if you were doing alright.
    Hope your feeling better soon!
    Hi, I hope things are well with you. You are not working too hard I hope. It is starting to feel alot like fall in Chicago. How is the weather for you?
    I am sorry you were sick, hope you are feeling better. Yes, it is good to have a weekday off. I am off on weekends, but I am happy when I can enjoy a weeday. Today is my job anniversary . 14 long years and I am off. I don't go back until monday. Time is passing fast. I almost wish I could rewind time so I would have extra time.
    Enjoy your day off.
    I was sick today after undergoing a facet block at830am was in bed all day..just got up to see what I've missed! Glad u had a good weekend! I worked on Sat but was off sun and monday..off tomorrow, working fri and sat off sun..working next sat too..that's 3 in a row! :**( but I have Thurs off at least! Breaks up the monotony of my day and I seem to do a lot better on Sat in terms of customers...
    I did have a good weekend . Did you enjoy your labor day? I had an extra day off monday. I enjoyed it so much I took too much time getting ready for work tuesday.
    Sent you a PM about the tank top---weekend is OK so far--but tomorrow, I really have to get out and weed. Doesn't that sound like fun??
    Oh ok! Duh! I'm not doing well I'm on darvacet now! Going to the dr's tomorrow for the facet block in my neck! Hope it works I can't take much more of this!
    I got your email and will do. :wink: :) Sorry I didn't answer, I am so tired I don't even know how I read it without my eyes crossing! :lol:
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