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  • she's hanging in there. I'm going to the dr's for a shot in my head and neck..been out of work since last friday..it's killing me these fraking migraines.
    Thanks for looking out for me. Yeah the migraines are terrible and when I went back to the dr's thinking I was picking up a dr's note and dropping off my FMLA papers I almost collapsed in the dr's office. He put me out. and for the first time in my life my blood pressure was high.. was 130 over 110 and my pulse was a whopping 130 never EVER was it this high. suffered the weekend and forced myself back to work yesterday and today. Hurting like hell but can't afford to go out on short term disability! If I do I won't get paid at all till it's approved and w/ my job it's like fighting a losing battle. They even denied one lady who had open heart surgery the first time round. Like she was supposed to come into work while in surgery or right after open heart surgery! Was overturned on appeal but this is what the company wants. Fire high paying workers so they can hire marginal lower paying ones.
    Sunni thanks for sharing that with me. I am very happy, Jamie and the baby are doing well. I was not aware you suffered from migraines. I have a co wotker who has migraines as well. sometimes she can not work.
    Sunni I will be praying for Jamie and the baby. I hope you can get some rest soon.
    Wow! I don't get on for one lousy day--and all hell breaks loose! I can't believe someone got the AmEx card! Glad it was you. I haven't played anything in two days. What time of day was it? But, interestingly enough, as these giveaways get to the end of their shelf-life, I think they give out all the prizes which they hadn't given out yet. Happened to me with a Lipton $50 thing on the last day or so. Enjoy!
    :cheers::santaclaus::kiss: Merry Christmas! all the best to you and your family!
    Sunni, Thanks for responding even while you are on vacation. I hope you are having a blast.
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