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  • Flobby!!! Coming in for a landing!!!!!:):clap::yesnod::boogy:What's up Sun? :rofl::high5:
    "great to hear from me, you say! But, HOW WAS THE SMELL? "

    my flooby has bubble gum farts!
    ah, ate too much again. sorry about that. "

    heheheheheheheheh. gas?
    great to hear from you again flooby!:teeth::teeth:
    Just stopping by to say "Cut the Crap and Get Well." Actually, I just was coming to say "Hello" and saw that you are not feeling well. I'm so sorry to hear that and really hope you do get better soon. Love, Pat
    back on coffee, wheat, and all other dietary indulgences! :clap: however, in 3 weeks, I'll be tested for celiac disease. but for now, I'm enjoying my food...but hatin' the pain. :cry: thanks for thinking of me. I'll try to stop in more often. Miss stirring up trouble. :wink:
    I am sorry our Flooby is not doing well. :sick:::frown2:I hope you feel better.:) You are missed!!!:wink:
    Flooby isn't feeling too hot. Severe back/neck pain, knee/elbow pain. :cry: And today I began my month long experiment with no coffee, meat, dairy, or grains. Heck, not having coffee in itself is painful. :sad: I'll be back more when I hopefully get my health back in check. Thanks for stoppin' in at the Flooby shack. Preco, I got my pretty plates the other day. We love them. :clap:
    Hi Sun, :wave::hugs: I haven't chatted with you in a while. I hope THE FLOOBY is doing fine.:wink:
    hey,flooby i hugged you but it wouldn't let me add a message so here it is.
    :smow::grouphug:yippee it's friday:smow::grouphug: and there a snow storm on the way:smow::grouphug:
    bad spoofee, bad bad spoofee
    It's so great that you stopped by yesterday :rant: but it no longer tells you the time people stopped by :motz:

    This place is making me feel like a visitor and not a regular :faint:

    I think I feel lost here :loco: I hope you feel better :sick: you were typing in chinese or something :pound:
    I've been invaded!!!! :yikes: thanks Spaz, I think. I must still be floating in outer space! Flooby, quick, grab the tether...THE TETHER!!!!
    Can you help me find the pages of free stuff like samples and thing to get in mail my computor cashed and when i got it running i lost the site it is on spoofee and it had over 125 pages of free things and about 300 items on each page can you help me find that site on spoofe,Thanks Ron
    :yikes: E.T. :alien: :call: Home! I did call this morning, :faint: I hung up the first time :rant:
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